A Happy Ending...?

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Arthit stayed completely oblivious to the relationship going on right under his nose, too wrapped up in his developing feelings for Kongpob that confused the shit out of the poor guy. Tutah and Bright had to bite their tongues to keep from offering advice. We've been there! They were tempted to shout. We know how confusing it is! But we also know it's true love for you like it is for us! However, they didn't say a word, not wanting to give themselves away.

And Arthit grumped on, missing even the most obvious of signs that Tutah and Bright were together.

"I can't believe he made you cry!" Bright was horrified. Even after all the shit he'd put Tutah through, Tutah hadn't cried. Not once. "I'm so sorry, Kongpob. Our friend is-"

"An idiot with his head up his ass," Tutah growled, sipping at his beer.

Bright choked on a laugh.

Kongpob kept his gaze aimed at his own glass of beer like he had from the start, not looking at either one of them. "I always fall for the ones I can't have."

The two third years exchanged a mystified look. They had no clue what he was talking about.

"I've confessed to a couple others, and both times...I got shot down. Worse than P'Arthit did, but...somehow," he swallowed hard, closing his eyes with a shaky breath. "This feels so, so much worse. It hurts."

Bright moved before he could think it through and gave Kongpob a one-armed hug. "I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve to be rejected."

"He's scared."

Bright and Kongpob lifted their gazes to Tutah - Bright in sad understanding, and Kongpob in confusion.

Tutah went on, "He's scared of the change. He's probably a guy that always thought of himself as straight, never considered boys, and then you come along and he's suddenly questioning everything he thought was concrete about his sexuality. Nong," Tutah gave Kongpob a sympathetic smile. "He may have rejected you now, but I say give it time. Things that take work are worth so much more than those than fall easily in your grasp. Trust me."

Bright blushed a deep red when Tutah's gaze slid meaningfully to him. Their own get-together hadn't taken as long as this one apparently was, but it still had been full of hurt feelings, confusion, and one gay panic. It did indeed take work. And it was very much worth all the effort they'd put into it in the end.

Kongpob seemed encouraged by Tutah's words. "So what should I do?"

"I say," Bright had a thoughtful expression. "You pull back."

Tutah arched a brow, intrigued.

"Treat him like you would any other senior. Be normal. Better yet, avoid time alone with him, like he makes you uncomfortable. Which, I bet he will, anyway. He hurt you, so why would you want to seek him out right now?"

"Damn...that's good," Tutah nodded.

"Thanks," Bright said dryly. "I have a smart idea here and there."

"Never said you didn't."

"Always the tone of surprise with everyone," Bright muttered, downing the rest of his beer. "I'm getting more. Anyone else?" The other two shook their heads, and Bright wandered up to the bar by himself.

"Basically, give him time to process this and work out his own feelings," Tutah ended the conversation. His eyes fell on a certain hazer sitting in the background watching him and Kongpob, eyes full of suspicion.


"What were you and Bright doing with 0062?"

Tutah rolled his eyes, not giving Arthit's rude demand an answer.

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