Survival of The Fittest

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I sighed in relief but cringed a little at the thought of everyone getting a butt whooping from Sergeant Hawk. The last time I saw him was a time I couldn't forget even if I tried.
I shivered at the thought and I went to see what Uncle Charles was doing, he was at Cerebro with Uncle Wolf.
They looked like they were so absorbed in what she detected I couldn't help but see what they found, it was Uncle Cain.

"Uncle Cain...".

Uncle Charles and Uncle Wolf turned around to see me surprised, Uncle Wolf looked confused at my reaction but Uncle Charles understood.

"Zoe, it's alright. We'll find him".

I walked over to Uncle Charles and hugged him, "if only mum were here, she'd set him right".

"I know, Zoe", Uncle Charles replied, "I know".

Uncle Wolf was still confused so I explained, "he's my other uncle and he has always been compared to Uncle Charles. My mum used to keep them both in line", I put my hand on Uncle Charles' shoulder, "but when she died... well he went off the rails".

"That's why he must be stopped again. He'll endanger every one in sight" Uncle Charles interjected seriously.

Later that day Storm was out to fogging up the neighbourhood so he wouldn't be found. The plan was to keep others from getting hurt by hiding Juggernaut from reinforcements. I couldn't help but think about the good times I had with all three of them.

I only wish things didn't turn out this way.

Soon he arrived and sent Wolverine flying through the front door, they went through the walls...and Cerebro until they ended up in the Danger Room.
He ended up knocking him out and sending Mystique flying over to us and landed at Uncle Charles' feet. I stepped in front of them with determination as I stretched out my arms to protect them.

"Hi Uncle Cain, remember me?".

He stopped suddenly, I think that's the first time he's stopped since he escaped, I smiled a little, "It's little Zoe, Melanie's daughter. I used to cheer you up when you were sad".

I saw his eyes widen under his helmet from my lucky charm to my face, "Zoe...".

"That's right Uncle Cain, it's me", I smiled more, "It's been a long while", he didn't seem to know what to say which led me to walk a little closer to him, "you know my mum wouldn't have liked to see this. Her brothers fighting again".

It was clear he was guilty but at the same time he was so angry. Juggernaut gritted his teeth, "for all these years of being compared, it's long overdue".

"I know it's not fair being told you're lesser than you are, but hurting Uncle Charles isn't going to solve it. He doesn't want to fight with you, he never has and never will. Please let this anger go, you must be tired from holding on to it for so long" I pleaded sadly.

He looked so conflicted, but in the end the X-Men fell through the ceiling and he knocked me aside in a panic. I ended up hitting my head on the wall like a rag doll and was knocked unconscious. In that time I was dreaming of mum and dad laughing as they played with me.

I miss you so much...

I almost forgot what my parents looked like and that scared me even in the dream.
Suddenly I felt hands on my cheeks and someone calling my name, I slowly opened my eyes and saw Kurt. He looked so concerned, so worried about me.

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