Shadowed Past

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I shot straight out of bed from the sound of screaming and ran to Rogue and Kitty's room, "Hey, what's wrong?", the moment I saw Rogue I fell backwards from a wave of a memory. It was so sad, so heart breaking, I ended up crying uncontrollably.

"Hey, what's going on?".

I looked to see Scott and Jean running down the corridor I immediately hid my face, I couldn't say anything. Scott went to see what was going on and Jean went to comfort me, she rubbed my back and told me to take deep breaths. By the time I calmed down a little, Evan and Kurt had arrived, Kurt noticed me shaken up but went into the room to see what actually upset me.

"What's going on?" Evan asked worriedly.

I just shook my head hysterically and curled up in Jean's arms with my eyes squeezed tightly. I didn't want to think about it but it just kept replaying in my head and every time I heard the heart breaking cry when she dropped him a small tear left my eyes.

"Zoe?", Jean asked, "did it happen again?".

She knew but I think she just wanted me to comfirm it myself, I nodded and put my fingers where my lucky charm was meant to be.

"I see", she simply said in a comforting tone, "It's alright, you're alright".

Kurt came out of the girl's room and knelt down next to me and Jean, "Zoe, what happened?".

I turned towards him and I ended up crying again as I lunged towards him and hugged him tightly. It was clear that it had something to do with him but I couldn't say it and clung to his shirt desperately. To calm me down he quickly held me and soothingly rubbed my back.
I couldn't even let him go when he headed over to Uncle Charles to figure out the dream, the cry out was getting quieter but I still couldn't speak.
I watched them both see the dream, I closed my eyes tightly so I couldn't revisit it with them and hid my face in Kurt's shoulder for extra measure.

"Zoe what-".

"She'll tell you when she's ready, Kurt" Jean interrupted as I felt her hand on my shoulder, "for now, just let her be".

I then felt Kurt stroke my hair softly, I know he had questions not just for how I was acting but for what Rogue and now Uncle Charles saw.
Kurt even wanted my uncle to check his head too but he said tomorrow as an excuse.
My uncle knew it was Mystique but couldn't break the news that Kurt was fighting against his own biological mother.
The next day things didn't seem to get easier for Kurt and I still couldn't bring myself to speak, Jean even did my hair like she always did whenever I wasn't feeling that great.
This time it was low twin ponytails, she knew I liked that the most.
But the most it did was get me to smile a little for a minute, so Jean kept close to me in between classes.
I love Jean so much, she's like the older sister I never had, I felt so close to her that we knew how to make each other laugh but today I think Jean knew that this wasn't the time without reading my mind.
When classes ended I noticed Kurt walking out of his class in a rush, I ran over to him and jumped on to his back.

"Woah, careful" he said as he tried to keep his balance before giving me a piggyback.

"I'm sorry", I said quietly, "you just looked sad".

"Me? Speak for yourself, that's the first thing you've said all day" Kurt replied as we continued down the hall.

"I know...".

Before Kurt could reply Rogue came up to us, She still looked reluctant and I don't blame her she even expressed it in her tone of voice.

"Are you sure you wanna to know?" Rogue asked as Kurt went into his locker.

Comically I was still hanging on to him causing Kurt to laugh a little during the conversation when he was getting something from his locker.
I wasn't really listening to them but Kurt got upset with Rogue down the line and we got home the quick route.
I sat on his bed and looked up at him from the light, he was looking at something.

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