I'm going to die anyway - Chapter 2

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They're so funny. But then I lost myself stare at that beautiful blue sky. I wish I can go up there one day. Life sucks.
(Marcus) Martinus are you ok?
(Martinus) Oh, yeah I'm fine.
(Marcus) You sure?
(Martinus) I'm sure, thanks for asking.
I can tell there's something wrong, but he won't just tell me. Martinus can be stubborn sometimes but I still love him ofc, he's my brother after all.
At that moment a doctor came in, he look like a typical boyfriend like.
(Doctor) Hello, I'm dr. Drewsson (lol) and I'm here to talk about Martinus' cancer.
(Gerd- Anne) Oh great, is our son ok?
(Doctor) I have both bad and good news. Let's start with good news. The good news is Martinus can go home and the bad news is he has too come back after 2 weeks, he still under treatment.
(Gerd - Anne) Oh that's great too hear!
(Doctor) Np and have a good day!
Finally I was able to leave this stupid hospital, after spending 3 weeks in a hospital is torture! I can't wait to sleep in my bed again. Can't wait.
Mom started to pack my stuff and 10 minutes later she was done. The doctor also gave me some pills just in case. Then we drove home. On the way home I snuck my head out of the window. I miss this fresh air cuz while I was in the hospital, I didn't get to go out that much mostly just opened the window then close it again.
15 minutes later...
We finally arrived and the first thing I do was walk straight to my room cuz I missed it obviously. Also why not enjoy this freedom yk! My mom came up to my room and asked if I want some luch since I haven't ate anything and ofc I said yes, you can't say no to food!
After finishing eating. I went to the living room, turn on the tv and watch my favourite football team Chelsea! Marcud joined me aswell cuz he wanted to spend sometimes with me as much as possible cuz I'll be returning in the hospital in 2 weeks so. As I was watching I felt dizzy some how. This so weird.
Suddenly I fainted.
I walked downstairs and saw Martinus watching football,so I decided to join my brother. Love spending time with him. While we were watching I saw how dizzy Martinus was, I panic a bit then he fainted. At this moment I felt panic like what should I do?! I called my mom. She rushed to the living with a shook face.
(Marcus) Idk what happened but Martinus suddenly fainted.
(Gerd - Anne) Is ok son, let's carry him to his room.
Me and mom carried Martinus to his room and he seriously heavy. We placed him on the bed and let him rest.
(Marcus) I hope he's ok.
(Gerd - Anne) Me too and if something happened I just can call dr.Drewsson.
(Marcus) Yeah.
5 minutes later...
Omg it happened again. Why do I have to faint so much, I hate this cancer. You properly think this is the first time, well no is not. This is like the 20th time actually. I have been avoiding taking pills cuz I'm going to die anyway.
Thanks for reading bye! (Remember this is not a real story)

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