One wish - Chapter 3

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Omg it happened again. Why do I have to faint so much, I hate this cancer. You properly think this is the first time, well no is not. This is like the 20th time actually. I have been avoiding taking pills cuz I'm going to die anyway.
Pretty stupid right? Like if you're sick you have to take pills but it won't help me anyway this is just a waste of time driking pills and medicine.
I just wanna reach the blue sky like right now.
2 weeks later.
Weeks went by and now today Martinus have to return to the hospital again. I just wish he's not sick and don't have to go there, but there's nothing I can do than waiting. Ugh life can be tufft sometimes I guess.
At the hospital.
Here I am at the hospital again, tbh I rather die than stay in this hospital. Same things just happens everyday first the groupp chatting once a week than blood test two times two weeks yk that's why I had to return. Those days at home was way better.
But I had no choice, is not my fault that I'm sick. My mom had to return home again because of work. She promise to visit me again.
A doctor came in and it was dr. Drawsson. He also welcomed me at the hall.
(Dr. Drawsson) Hello again Martinus, how you doing?
(Martinus) I'm good , thanks.
(Dr. Drawsso) That's great to hear! Today we have to test your blood again okay?
(Martinus) Ok
See I told you, this is the part that I really hate. It feels like the doctor just taking my blood for test everyday but they don't. And let me explain what's their doing to me duh. First they will put a tupe with a medicine that will make me sleep in a operation room. Then they just take me blood somehow I don't know. The fun part is I can sleep hehe cuz I love sleeping yk.
At the operation room...
(Nurse) Martinus can you lift your left arm pls.
She putted a blood something (idk what it's called) that give my arm a hug.
Then I need to lay and faced on the left side too. Now here's the part that I told you earlier. Another nurse put the tupe on my right arm and I slowly fall asleep.
After the testing...
When I woke up, I saw my mom sitting next to me in the operation room. They haven't moved me yet.
(Gerd - Anne) How are you feeling?
(Martinus) Fine, I guess.
I actually don't know how I feel, it kinda felt dizzy and a little funny properly because of the sleeping medicine they put in me.
Then a woman came in and said that she was a therapist and she was just looking around the hospital cuz she just worked here today.
(Therapist) Hey, sorry if I disturp you just wanna say hi.
(Martinus) Is ok.
(Therapsit) Welk before I go, I wanna ask you this just like those other patient I've just met.
(Martinus) Sure.
(Therapist) What will you wish if you have one wish?
One wish? Idk what I'll wish for tbh but if really get a one wish then it will be not being sick anymore.
(Martinus) I would wish to not being sick anymore.
(Therapist) That's a good wish! Anyway I have to go bye! And nice to meet you.
(Martinus) Bye!
If only I had a chance to get one wish.

Bye! ❤️👋🏻😂 Also just let you guys know, I don't know anything about these stuff about cancer so don't tell me that I'm wrong. 😭😂

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