Chapter 02.

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"So, could you stay with me, lay with me talking 'bout nothing"

Caitlin walked in on Cisco whisking around the room as though he was searching for something. If this was anyone else Caitlin would be concerned but having known Cisco long enough, she knew he was probably searching for a lost piece of his gloves or something that was completely useless towards her. Ralph had came out from her medical room, eyes finding Caitlin's rather quickly a warm smile forming on his face.

"Good morning."

"Morning, Ralph." Caitlin returned, allowing her eyes to scan the cortex, it was a mess...more than usual. "Did you guys sleep here last night?"

Ralph's gaze followed his friends, he hadn't noticed the state of the cortex until Caitlin picked up on it. The tall man gave a nervous laugh, his arms quickly winding around the room picking up a few scattered papers and pens. Everyone knew Caitlin hated mess.

"There was a call from the computers last night...someone likes committing crimes at night I guess," Ralph explained, his arms returning to their regular length as he placed the papers on the desk beside him. "Cisco called me here, said he didn't want to wake you up again."

Caitlin gave him a curt nod in agreement, last time Cisco had woken Caitlin early hours in the morning, needing Frost's assistance, the icy woman swore she'd freeze Cisco's hands to the computer. Turns out Frost wasn't a morning person. Cisco's attention finally caught Caitlin, the short man rushing towards her a excitable grin spread across his lips.

"You need to see this."

Caitlin felt her heart skip for a second, Cisco had been attempting to keep track of Barry's whereabouts - which was harder than it seemed. The brunette followed Cisco across the room, watching as his fingers typed at a rapid speed, words and images dancing across the screen. Neither of them spoke as he worked on whatever he wanted to show her but then she noticed a flicker on the screen. A flash of red.

"It seems goggles here has found your little boyfriend."

Caitlin startled, still not being used to the mental communication through her mind. There was no way for her to speak back whilst she was in control apart from out loud, but she knew talking to Frost right now wasn't exactly the right moment.

"I think it's him...I-I mean it has to be Barry, my computer flagged it this morning," Cisco gushed as he moved several papers out the way to find the copy he was looking for. It was a chart showing all of the waves of activity, Caitlin could tell that other than today and since the day Barry had left there'd be no signs of any life. "See here, it spikes just as the streak of red goes by, he has to be trying to get back. He's alive."

It felt as though the weigh that the doctor had been carrying on her shoulders for the past three weeks had finally shifted, she couldn't stop the tears that welled in her eyes when she thought of Barry coming home. Coming back to her, just like he said he would. It didn't take long until Cisco had his arms around her, he'd known her for years, her love for Barry clear to him more than anyone else.

"He's coming back." The words left her mouth as barely a whisper; nothing could describe the wave of relief that washed over her.

"Let's just assume, now that the skies have been clear from red these past two weeks that they did it...that they're all okay," Her best friend gave a squeeze to her shoulders, a pearly smile on his face as he looked at her. "Team Flash is almost back together."

Ralph turned the corner, over hearing Cisco's words and spotting the emotion that seemed to be overwhelming Caitlin and grinned from ear to ear. He'd not known Barry as long as them, but he loved the guy, who wouldn't?

"Then I say drinks on me when he returns," The man declared, Cisco automatically pointing at the guy in awe. There was nothing he loved more than a free round of drinks.

"You're the man, dude." Cisco raised his hand heading over to his friend, waiting for a high five.

Caitlin hadn't been drunk in a long time, it wasn't that she didn't like it. Turns out Frost loved it, but going out, doing things she'd normally do, having just didn't seem right without Barry. Caitlin missed being alongside him, missed when she'd hand him their morning coffee and brush hands, she missed his smile, his laugh, the way his face scrunched up when he was frustrated...she just missed him.

The sound of an alarm raised throughout the building, interrupting their celebratory moment. Cisco reaching for his glasses and gloves as soon as the noise rang out, the piercing ringing caused Caitlin's head to throb. She'd forgotten to change the sound of the alarm. Ralph had raced out of the room already, vanishing down the halls, Cisco not long after. It was rare someone got into Star Labs...and it they did, it was usually one hell of a fight afterwards.

"Caity, pretty sure this means it's time I go out there and help freeze some ass don't you think?"

Caitlin groaned, she hated having to be trapped in her mind, it was quiet and empty despite her hearing everything that went on outside her body. It was as though she was asleep, her body becoming something of her imagination and her mind going elsewhere. The first time it happened she'd felt as though she was having sleep paralysis, something she never had nor wanted to experience. But Frost's voice in her head didn't settle the fear she felt either, whereas everytime she released her hold on control this time, Frost would promise her she wouldn't be in her mind long.

It wasn't easy sharing a body. But it worked for them both, Caitlin allowed Frost out whenever need be and whenever she asked nice enough. Neither of them were a prisoner, so why bother treating each other like one?

"And they say only children can't share." Frost huffed, shaking off the fresh feeling of being in control again. A smirk stretched across her face as she formed her ice woven weapon. "Time to show them who's lab they just broke into, right Caity?"

"Just go already, they could need our help." Caitlin ushered, wanting to ensure that no one got hurt as well as wanting to know who'd tried to surprise them and failed.

"Always rushing me." Frost rolled her eyes before pacing her walk as she headed towards the noise which had been dulled down because of the ear-splitting alarm.

Caitlin could only focus on sound, but yet she couldn't hear any signs of fighting, no yelling, no crashes or things getting thrown around. It wasn't what a usual fight sounded like.

"Well, would you look at that..." Frost marvelled, Caitlin let out a loud groan.

"You know I can't, what is it? What's going on?"

Without any notice, Caitlin felt a familiar change in her body. Frost had given back control...something she usually warns her about before just doing. Caitlin blinked out the fuzziness of her vision and when her eyes landed on what was before her, she understood why.


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