Chapter 04.

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"Tell me with your hands that you're never leaving"

If Caitlin could avoid having to watch Iris fall into Barry's arms when she saw him, she'd be out of the cortex in less than a second. But Barry had asked her to stay with him, something she couldn't resist anyway. Caitlin couldn't help but notice how Barry behaved around Iris, how he'd always behaved around her...he never seemed like a man in love. Just a man chasing a crush he'd held onto for comfort, it was never Caitlin's place to say plus her opinion was bias; but clearly Barry wasn't as happy as he seemed with Iris.

"I heard about Oliver...I might've eavesdropped a little."

Cisco had come up beside her as the pair bared through the west-allen reunion, Caitlin locked eyes with her closest friend, sadness in her eyes. Cisco placed a hand on her shoulder, he wasn't really the best at knowing what to do when heartache struck their team.

"I just feel sorry for Barry," Cisco watched as Caitlin's eyes shifted from his to look longingly over at Barry, who was cringing at the thousand kisses Iris was jotting all over his face. "Oliver helped him a lot, and now when Barry needs him...he won't be there."

"Barry's strong, he'll be okay. He has us - always will, right?"

Caitlin gave a faint smile, "Until my last breath."

Cisco gave Caitlin once last squeeze before heading over to the computers, checking to make sure everything was as it should be. Joe had almost broke out in tears when he'd seen Barry, none of them were sure if Barry would come back. One second he'd been there with them, the next gone.

"How about we go and get that drink tonight then?" Ralph suggested, gathering Barry could probably use a good, cold pint of beer in his system after what he'd been through.

"I am definitely down for a celebratory drink." Cisco agreed, raising his hand as his eyes darted around the room to the others, eyebrows wiggling trying to urge them all to say yes. "Come on, Ralph already said to me and Caitlin the first rounds on him."

Joe shook his head, taking a step backwards. "No drinking for me, Cecile has a date night planned when I've finished working."

Iris had her arm slouched around Barry's waist, hand on his torso frowning at Cisco. "I think me and Barry will pass...we've got some catching up to do, haven't we babe?"

"Uh," Barry began, already knowing Iris wouldn't like his next words. "I actually think going out is a good idea...I need this one, Iris. Just let me have it."

Iris's face couldn't have fallen faster, Barry's words causing her to let go of her hold around him. The woman's arms falling to her sides as she sighed.

"I guess one wouldn't be a problem."

Caitlin held her tongue, sometimes the way Iris treated Barry irritated her, the man did everything he could to keep everyone happy. To keep Iris happy. Yet she couldn't let him go out for a simple drink with his co-workers. It made Caitlin seethe. Caitlin must've accidentally let go of her control, suddenly slipping into her mind as Frost slipped out.

All eyes had immediately shot in Frost's direction when Caitlin's hair began fading into white, her make-up changing to Frost's classic purple lips. Frost was stood in silence for a moment, staring back at the five watching her.

"Well this is awkward."

"I did not mean to do that." Caitlin groaned in embarrassment, she rarely ever did lose control accidentally. It wasn't like she didn't know how to remain in control, it was just a little harder when Iris pissed her off.

"Frost, it's good to see you again." Barry broke the awkwardness of the woman's sudden appearance; a warm smile dancing on Barry's face.

"Does this mean you'll be here to attend my birthday next year?" Frost recalled the conversation the two had had before Barry left. She wasn't in love with him like her other half, but she did have an attachment to the man, he'd helped her be more than she thought she could. "I am totally there for that drink, by the way."

"I'll be there for that birthday and many after." Barry chuckled lightly, still finding it hard to deal with the fact that Caitlin had another person living inside her.

"Why are you in control now?" Iris intervened, the woman had made it clear to Frost plenty of times that she wasn't fond of her presence in the group.

"Iris." Barry scowled, nudging his partner to tell her not to be rude.

"It's fine, red." Beseeched Frost as she caught Iris looking at her up and down with such dislike. "Caitlin let me have control so she didn't have to deal with your bitching anymore."

Iris released an infuritated huff, her eyes flared with fury at the woman. The others had hated the tension that thickened the air between the two, death glares shooting left and right.

"You're just going to let her talk to me like that?" Iris barked up at Barry, the man raising his hands not wanting to be involved. He wished he could do what Caitlin did in this moment.

"Fight your own battles, West."

Frost had folded her arms at this point, leaning against the desk behind her. It was amusing for her to test Iris's temper, watching the woman almost combust like a volcano brought her joy. Despite Caitlin's pleads for her to just leave Iris be.

"Listen, I just got back can we stop fighting?" A heavy sigh left Barry as he ran his hands over his face in stress. "I'm going to home to lie down, god knows I need it."

Barry left it as that as he walked out of the cortex, a spark of red indicating he'd flashed off shining from the corridor. Frost felt a slight pinch of guilt, knowing Barry was going to have to deal with Iris nagging him about their interaction later. It was obvious Caitlin would be pissed at her too. Iris didn't bother muttering a goodbye to anyone before she stalked out, Joe willingly going after her knowing he'd meed to calm her down. It was Ralph who was the first to speak up when silence hung between the three remaining.

"Jitters before we get ready for later?"

For once Frost had agreed with someone, the woman suddenly livening up. Cisco smirked noticing the change in behaviour from his frosted friend, he'd noticed why his friend had become so fond of going to Jitters when she was in control.

"Someone excited to see a certain blonde there, are they?" Teased Cisco, the man revelled in the fact that he had something to annoy Frost about. It was only fair seem as she joked about him almost everytime she laid eyes on him.

Heat had rushed to Frost's cheeks, her usually paleness becoming slightly pink. Her expression turned to a frown, hating the feeling of Cisco knowing her feelings.

"Shut it, goggles." She hissed, threatening to throw an icicle Cisco's way. The man instantly holding up a folder as a shield.

Caitlin had remained quiet this time. Although she knew about Frost's crush, she didn't like to tease her about it especially since she knew how it felt to want someone and not know how to have them. That didn't seem to stop Frost from teasing her though.

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