The Nightmare Before Christmas [Chaelisa] [M]

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Welcome to my once every 3 months update :)

There's a bit of smut at the end.


Synopsis: Where Chaeyoung stresses over wrapping last minute Christmas gifts, but is rewarded with a jolly Christmas by Lisa the next morning.

[Author's POV]

8:56 P.M.


Lisa had just arrived home from a long day of work -- especially since it was Christmas Eve and she was forced to head to the office. But hey, at least she had Christmas day off.

With a loud huff, she shakes off the freezing snow resting on her figure and hangs her long, brown trench coat onto the hanger by the door, removing her shoes shortly afterward. 

"Honey!!" Lisa shouts. "I'm home!" To her surprise, there wasn't a response, not even a single peep.

It was only about 9 P.M. and Chaeyoung would usually be in the kitchen stirring up a meal for the two of them. She never leaves Lisa without a response.

Lisa shuffles towards the kitchen and throws her keys in a drawer -- also taking note at the empty stove and lifeless room.

"Chaeyoungie?" She calls out once again only to hear the sound of crickets and the wisps of the wind outside.

Lisa's face scrunches up from the million of thoughts running rapidly in her head at what could've possibly happened to Chaeyoung -- some more gruesome and violent than others.

But before she could overthink anything, she spots her lover stretched out flat onto the ground next to the Christmas tree in the living room; wrapping paper in one hand and a gift in another. Her blonde hair was sprawled messily across her face and around her head -- making her seem more like a lion than a human.

She had on her red and green plaid pajama pants and an over-sized ugly Christmas sweater that read "I can get you on the naughty list". And boy did Lisa believe that. Chaeyoung could take her to hell and back and she'd gladly be begging for more.

She was still beautifully and utterly breathtaking. Her face was bare of any makeup, showing off her heavenly pale, clear skin and naturally pink lips.

Lisa debated on whether or not she should allow Chaeyoung to rest on the cold, hard ground or to pick her up and take her to bed (and risk the fact that she might wake up and be grumpy in the process).

She decided to pick the latter. It was better her grumpy and upset than uncomfortable and sore come Christmas morning.

Lisa takes her time considering the best way to tackle the task of lifting a grown woman off of the ground and up a flight of stairs. This wouldn't be as easy as those romance movies shown in theaters. So...moving on to plan B -- she decides to just plop the girl down as gently as possible on the leather couch adjacent to her.

Lisa peels the wrapping paper and gift out of Chaeyoung's grip and musters up her strength, lifting her lover and setting her down comfortably on the couch. She grabs a pillow and a thick blanket and drapes it across Chaeyoung, making sure to tuck her in. After getting lost in admiring Chaeyoug's peaceful resting face, Lisa decides to tidy the apartment up a bit and get ready for bed.

She pads her way towards the king-sized bed only to stop in her tracks once reached. It just didn't feel right -- having to spend Christmas Eve without Chaeyoung beside her. So instead of having to feel empty and alone, Lisa grabs another set of blankets and pillows for herself. She drags the linen down the stairs and sets them down on the floor beside the couch where Chaeyoung resided -- seeing that there wasn't enough room for the two of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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