00 : Raging Flames

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"Winter, the ice will never melt. As long as we are here, this place will always be as white as the snow."

Those words would always echo in my mind whenever I see the icicles forming in my hand. My late mother would always tell me about the long winter in White Division and how people would play in the snow all day long.

It's been more than a decade since that dreadful night. Seeing my parents die in front of me was enough to give me nightmares every single day, but what I regretted the most was failing to protect my sister.

I could still remember the explosions, the fire and ice trying to overpower each other, and the bloodshed. The civil war between the government and the opposition broke my family.

"Do you think Mom and Dad are okay?" six-year old Krystal would ask every time there were commotions outside our house.

I would force a smile and say, "of course. They are strong. Really strong."

As an eleven-year old kid, I too was scared. Scared that they wouldn't return home. Scared that they would die fighting for the people. Scared that we would be abandoned.

But I didn't want to frighten my sister. I wanted her to feel safe, at least by my side. That she would be protected.

"Don't worry. If anything happens, I'll protect you with all my life and I'll always be by your side. Is that okay with you?"

She would nod enthusiastically and during those moments, I felt assured. At least, I had her with me. I wasn't alone.

But all of that was taken away from me.

The raging fire engulfed the White Division. The place that was always covered in ice and snow burned bright red and orange, as if it turned into hell.

The flames took away Mom and Dad.

They took away my sister.

I was left alone. Burned and battered.

"Winter, protect your sister. Will you promise me that?"

Remembering my mother's words, the little hope inside me dissipated, and was replaced with anguish and rage. If it weren't for those fire bastards, I'd still have my family. If I was just strong enough, I could've helped my parents and protect Krystal.

With the remaining strength I had in my legs, I stood up, the fire around me reflecting in my eyes. My body felt cold despite the scorching heat.

"Vanish," I mumbled as I felt a strange sensation through my body.

My mind buzzed, as if thousands of voices were whispering at me simultaneously. The next thing I knew, the pillar of flames surrounding me got frozen, iridescent ice particles falling like crystals on the charred ground.

I saw an officer falling on his back after witnessing what I did. Terror was written on his face and I could feel the fear coursing through his body. My limbs felt like they would fall off but I didn't care. I walked toward him and he remained petrified as he looked at me in horror.

"Y-you . . ."

Before he could say anything, my hand reached his neck and slowly, ice appeared from my hand, spreading down his body.

That was the first time my attribute manifested.

There was no room for hope anymore. I didn't need hope. I needed strength and power.

"I am Winter Alveria," I said as I tightened my grip on his neck. "The head of the Alveria family. And someday, I will take back everything your kin has stolen from me."

"N-no . . . p-please don't k-kill . . ."

"For now, your life is mine to take."

And that was the first time I killed someone.



My thoughts returned to the present when I heard someone calling my name. Turning around, I saw Hale bowing his head.

"Everything is ready."

I stood from my seat and walked to the balcony where I could see hundreds of the rebellion force on the ground waiting for my command.

"It's time to end the raging flame," I declared as I raised my arm. "Fellow Huntres, let us reclaim what is rightfully ours!"

The rebellion members bellowed in unison, raising their arms and weapons, as their blue eyes glimmered with intensity.

And as the leader of the rebellion and the head of the Alveria family, I, Winter Alveria, will fight for my people and for our rightful home until hell freezes over.


Winter (Erityian Tribes Novella, #4)Where stories live. Discover now