10 : Family

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My eyes fluttered open and for a second, I couldn't see anything but darkness. I blinked for a few times, trying to get my bearing, and when I saw the snow falling just outside my window, memories from the battle flooded my mind.

"Ah. You're finally awake."

Dalan's voice echoed and I realized he was sitting beside my bed. I tried moving but I felt searing pain throughout my body. My throat was dry and my eyes still stung.

"You won't be able to move for a while," he said as he gently raised my head so I could drink water. "That technique altered the landscape and weather of both White and Black Division. You almost lost your life."

I thought I'd be able to recover much easier after years of training and mastering that technique but what I did that day was beyond what I had expected. No wonder I couldn't move at all. I felt so tired I wanted to sleep again but I wanted to know what happened.

"K-Krystal . . ." I asked but my voice was so hoarse it sounded like a croak.

"She's with Isaz," he replied. "I think he's explaining everything to her."

Knowing that she was safe dissipated the worry I had in my chest. I wanted to ask more questions but my eyelids were getting heavier. Dalan adjusted the blanket and put his hand on my eyes.

"Sleep first, My Lady," he whispered. "Leave the rest to us."

And I drifted back to a long slumber.


"How's White Division?" I asked.

Farah flipped the pages of her book, checking each detail carefully. "We're currently rebuilding the capital since it sustained the most damaged." She paused. "Well, actually, almost everything was destroyed."

"And the humdrums?"

"The Senshins agreed to help. They said they could erase their memories from that day using some sort of devices."

I was just informed about how they helped us during the battle but I didn't allow them to greet me. No way in freezing hell I'd let other tribes see me in this state. However, I sent Hideo, their current leader according to Isaz, a letter of gratitude for their help.

"And the rest of Flame Spectre?"

"Hilda and Riyo, along with the Aquarius and Underworld gangs, are currently tracking those who allied themselves to Flame Spectre," she answered. "And Lady Winter, Isaz is asking what you're going to do with those . . . ah, spoils of war."

I could see the disgust on her face even though she tried hard to hide it. After that technique, most of Flame Spectre's members disintegrated into snow but their eyes remained intact. I remembered nothing was left the first time I did it, but maybe due to the extent and range I managed that day, it wasn't as effective before. Hence, those eyes became spoils of war.

Remembering that made my stomach churn. Gross.

"I will go to the war council room later," I said and she immediately noted it.

"I'll inform them," she said and started walking away from me. However, before she could leave my room, she halted and turned around. "By the way, Lady Krystal is here."



She nodded. "After they rebuilt the White Division. But for now, I'm staying in East Black."

Winter (Erityian Tribes Novella, #4)Where stories live. Discover now