09 : Winter Has Come

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Everybody was moving, swords and armors cluttering, soldiers shouting at each other about their orders, while I sat on the center of the war council room.

Hale said most of the gangs against Flame Spectre went to the War of Best. Isaz, Riyo and Hilda were also deployed as reinforcements.

You are our trump card, Isaz reminded before going. I tried calming myself down but I couldn't. I was restless.

After years and years of planning my revenge, the day has finally come.

The commotion outside felt like getting faraway, as if silence was slowly consuming me. The thought of seeing Krystal flooded me with so many emotions at once.


Dalan's voice jarred me back to reality. He was pointing at the White Division map, showing where our current reinforcements were.

"How about Gerald?" I asked.

He smirked. "Oh, he's doing great. By the way, Aaron, your dad's other right-hand man joined the battle."


"Yes. Apparently, his daughter is one of your sister's members."

That thought made me realize how everyone on her 'gang' were seemingly connected to the rebellion. I wasn't sure if fate was pulling some strings but I was still thankful that she had people who could support her.

Dalan donned his armor once the horn signaling our move blew. I wore my white fur coat and marched with him to the village's entrance where Farah was waiting with the carriage.

"Lady Winter," she greeted.

"Let's go."

I thought I'd get battle jitters as we trooped to White Division but, surprisingly, I felt calm. I just wanted all of these to end so I could be with my family.

"Thought you'd lose control by now," Dalan commented as he fiddled with the rings on his fingers.

"Those old bats would kill me if I can't control my emotions," I retorted and he let out a chuckle.

"Finally acting like a grown-up, huh?" he commented. "Oh, pardon my impertinence, My Lady."

We were still about half a mile away from the border but I could already hear the chaos in the White Division. We saw battles from opposing factions, even humdrums who seemed confused and scared of what was happening, along the way.

From the window, I saw Farah standing up, her spear on her hand. He thrust it on the ground and seconds later, vines as thick as a human body sprouted, coiling people who had attributes allied with Flame Spectre. Dalan also put his hand outside the window, creating miniature tornadoes.

It got worse when we reached the border. Bodies sprawled lifeless on the ground. Cries of fear and pain could be heard everywhere.

Lightning crackled. The ground trembled, creating elevations and depression. Shadows and blinding light appeared out of nowhere. Plants were growing everywhere, even on people. Poison filled the air. Water sprinkled and burst. The wind was blowing violently, tearing everything on its path . . .

. . . and at the center of destruction, glaciers and wall of ice withstanding the columns and sea of fiery flames.

"There," Dalan pointed as fighters allied with Flame Spectre marched toward the capital.

Three people stood between the fighters and the center of the battle. According to Dalan, those were the leaders of gangs with wind, water and earth attributes. Our allies.

Winter (Erityian Tribes Novella, #4)Where stories live. Discover now