Cats || x fem reader

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A/n: i wish i had a cat that looked like muichiro :'>

short fluff

3rd person pov

You were walking home from your previous mission, then you notice a cat staring at you. You wouldn't have payed much attention to it but the cat looked really familiar... That's right, it looks a lot like Muichiro. You walked up to it as it meowed. You sat down near the adorable creature and it walks up to you, it sat down beside you.

You reach out and pet it's fur as it purred softly on your hand you were almost dying of cuteness you asked the cat "why are you all alone here? Snow is about to come" You asked the cat as it it was going to rrespon. You didn't want to leave it alone there since the cat may freeze or starve to death maybe even worse.

You decided to take the cat into your arms to take it home and show iflt to you boyfriend, Muichiro. You arrived at your estate and you saw Muichiro in your garden, he was sitting on the grass admiring the flowers you had planted several weeks ago. You were staring at the boy you completely lost focus on the cat 'y/n' Muichiro calls you 'huh' you snap out of your gaze. 'Is that a cat?' He asks.

"Yes, isn't he adorable?" You smiled "how do you know it's a 'he'?" He asks as he walks closer to you "well i kinda just assumed that it's a boy since it looks like you" You scratched the back of your head.

"I'll be heading inside now, I have take care of our new friend" You say, he just stares at you as you go inside. He follows. He watched from the door as you bathe the cat and gave it a small collar "hmm i think I'll name you...." You stop to think for a second "Ah! How about 'Catchiro'" You giggled.

You hear a voice form behind. "Catchiro seriously?" You were startled and you turn around to see Muichiro standing behind you. "Ahhh Muichiro-kun i didn't notice you came in" You smile "do you like the name i gave it? And yes it is a boy" You giggle.

You carried the cat out in the garden and gestured to Muichiro to follow you. You sat under a large tree and Muichiro followed.

"Oh! I should make some treats" You suggested. Muichiro hummed in response. "Try to play with catchiro in the meantime" You say as you stand up to go back inside.

Muichiro looks at the cat turns to the cat and the cat turns to him, he rarely sees cats nor had ever acknowledged one. He tilts his head and so does the cat. It was a cute sight to witness and y/n was missing it. Muichro held his hand out and the cat attempts to do so by putting it's tiny paw out.

Half an hour has passed and y/n came back with a tray of mochi and a small bowl of cat food. He saw Muichiro sitting on the grass and staring at nothing as usual and Catchiro standing on Mui's shoulders. He notices you and shifts his focus on you. You sat down with them and placed the bowl of cat food on the ground. Catchiro hops down from Mui's shoulders and began to eat from the bowl you had placed down.

You smile as the image of Mui and the cat was plastered on your mind. You were glad they were getting along. You hand Mui some treats. After eating you decided to read the book that you had brought a long with you, after a few minutes of reading you feel a bit of weight collapse on to you and you notice Mui's head resting on your shoulder. He was a sleep. You felt butterflies in your stomach. You notice the cat was getting comfortable on your lap as it slowly closes it's eyes "I'm in heaven" You thought to yourself.

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