Neko | x oc

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Well i kinda gave up on writing with ocs but my dear freind irl Amethyst_11643 (ps if we know each other irl there's a bigger possibility for me to accept your oc request)

Fluff  | Short story

There isn't much to say so enjoy!

Author's pov

"Mui look!" Pastle's voice can be softly heard.

Muichiro looked at the female's direction and noticed that Pastle was holding a cute baby kitten.

Pastle walked towards the boy holding the cat securely but softly as her purple hair was softly swaying in the air. Muichiro stared in awe and put his attention on the cute kitten. The kitten was small and had orange fur with white stripes. It was rather cute.

He wondered how she got the cute little kitten. "Where did you get it" He said as Pastle was now in front of him. "It's a girl you know" Pastle said with a soft chuckle.

Muichiro proceeds to pet the cat that was laying softly on Pastle's left shoulder. "Cute isn't she?" Pastle said in a soft voice. Muichiro nods and proceeds to take the cat and Pastle helped him while giggling. He sat down under a tree and pastle follows "You know you could've just asked" Pastle said stroking the cats fur that sat in the middle of them.

Muichiro shrugs.

[ Time skip brought to you by your horrible author ]

A child of Oyakata-sama came up to Pastle and Muichiro and proceeds to speak " Excuse me for interrupting but, Tokito-kun is called by Ubuyashiki-sama". Muichiro stood up and puts the cute cat down from his lap.

He started to follow Hinaki. "Good luck" Pastle said loud enough for him to hear. Muichiro looks back and nods.

A/N: I'm so so so so so sorry i had to cut it short i didn't expect to be busy this month a lot is happening lately but i still find time to upload so don't chu worry!

I hope you don't mind Amethyst_11643 that i had to cut it short.

I hope you understand i promise to upload tomorrow~!

| Tsuru |

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