Chapter 1

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You shiver as feel the cold air began to hit you
I shouldn't have worn a dress. Plus it's to dawn wind here for this shit. Fuck I shouldn't be cursing before I enter the house of Jesus.
Fuck it's to late for this shit I'm just going to go home. Y/n it's been two months plus it's the month of advent. Aww fuck it.

You angry walk towards the huge metal church doors. As you walked in u was hit with silence. You walk toward the screen that had a dim lighting over it. You nerveless look at your phone which said 8:00pm.

Oh shit I better hurry before 8:15 hits.

I quickly made my way over and sat down.
"Huhhh.... father, father, fath..
I was cut off with a irritated voice."What the fu..umm no I mean yes child what is it that you need". Still shocked by the response I finally snapped out of it. Father I haven't been as righteous as I should. Then I heard a deep chuckle. This isn't like him what has gotten into him. Then in his deep voice respondes with" oh baby don't we all get un righteous sometimes". Baby why is he calling me baby. I respond with a confused voice " yes we do sometimes". "Babydoll.... um I mean my child what have you done to have been called unrighteous". I hesitated but then began to confess my sins. As I continued to speak the list became longer. At the end I was in tears will you forgive me. Then I saw a figure began to appear before me. He was tall, lean, and even looked 10 years younger. Un like the 30yr old man I was used to seeing. He handed me a tissue box I grabbed one sheet to wipe my tears away. He then came nearer to me as his eyes began to look at me up and down. I saw as he began to bite his soft lips that I sometimes wondered what tasted like.

Wait no why are you biting ur lip. Shit say something Jesus would say. Hmmmm..."Its ok we all make mistakes". "But as long as we don't commit them again we'll stay in good statues with God". Oh my God you almost sounded like Jesus himself. I hope she comes back. Maybe I can tease her.

Alright that's the first part. Hope you enjoyed it. Hopefully I can post the next chapter tm

The Priest(DemonPriest x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now