Chapter 6

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Jon immediately turned his attention to me almost as if he felt like he was caught or like I was gonna reveal a secret. His voice gently asking " what is it ?"
I wanted to ask are you a demon why did your eyes
flicker red why do you seem so different the other day. Instead I retreated and asked "how is it out here living almost inside the church at all times?" It was almost as if he was relieved as he exhaled and answered saying " it's a nice experience because you get to be in the peace and the presence of God all day". 
Jon's POV
Wow it's getting cold out she looks hungry "Would you be interested in a bowl of soup". She turned around swiftly as a heart warming smile spread across her face  that smile got me every time. " I would love some father".
I then prepared a bowl and began pouring the soup inside of it. Passing her the bowl she laughed saying " the soup smells delicious ". " Yes try it I'm trying a new recipe ".  I watched as started eating she looked satisfied new recipe must really be that good ig. "You really didn't have to do thi- I responded with I want to just helping you out where are you coming from. I'm coming from school and then I realized I haven't been to confessionals in a week". Well would you like to them now we can go back into the church. "No it's fine I'll just come back tomorrow to be honest I don't even think I'm supposed to be here". " No your fine". Well how was your day I watched in bliss as she bang to go on about her day. She's so gorgeous I watched as she used her hands to describe certain things the way she looked eager as she became focus on what she was talking about. Then I remembered the time " Darling it's getting dark out don't you have to be home". " oh yes I'm sorry I lost track of time I have to go". I reached for her jacket and helped her put on then she turned around and looked at me her face was inches away from mine we stood there for a moment just looking into each other's eyes. Then she broke the stare. " father as much as I wish I could stay I can't". Well can I at least walk you out. " Of course father". I walked her out then waved at her as she walked backwards smiling at me.

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