Chapter 5

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Your POV
Today it was raining dreadfully but I had to go to confessions I got off the bus and ran straight to the
church. Soon as I came in I thought I would walk into a warming atmosphere. Instead the church was cold and felted a bit unfamiliar. Then I steadily made my way to the confession booth. Father I called in mildly fearful voice... no answer. I called once more to be met with silence once again. There again was no answer.....
I just sat there reminiscing about all the things I was gonna say and all the small sins I committed. I looked at my phone and I saw that 15mins had passed already. God it was cold and I was still drenched from head to toe. I looked to the back of the church there was a hallway that lead to some sort of bridge . Out of curiosity I decided to explore a bit so I quickly ran down the bridge to run into "Jon, oh I mean father I was looking for you".
He then changed from a startled look on his face into instant content. " I was just cooking some dinner since no one really showed up today". You look cold and your drenched. With a concern look he took of his cloak a threw it over me.
Jon's POV
She looked so cute and it almost looks like she wasn't really here for confessions but here for something else. Something a little more maybe... no no your supposed to take care of her and besides wouldn't people get suspicious if you actually started- "Jon it's getting really cold out here". Yes it is " Ok let's get you inside it's starting to pour again". We both swiftly made our way into the next building. I lead her to he kitchen and I began throwing more wood into the fire place. I pulled a chair up to the fire so she could warm up. "I'll get some towels for you".  She bagan to slip out of my cloak that I gave her as well as her trench coat. Under it she wore a rather fitting shirt and it was a v neck reveling a bit of cleavage. Her neck and chest as well as her collar bone look gentle and rather nice. She was just so beautiful I watched as she graceful pulled her hair up revealing even more skin....
Your POV
God it felted weird taking my coat off and drying off I could feel his eyes almost staring right through me. Was he really attracted to me or no as he just looking at my soul. But then another thought crossed my mind. " Jon can I ask you something-

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