murder on my mind

201 9 7

Myles pov

I'd practically dragged her across the street, where I had parked my porshe. Our surroundings were pitch black. Except for the moon that dimly lit the sky.

" myles let go of me". She said giving her arm one last yank. I let go in order to grab my car keys, I pressed the unlock button and the headlights flashed ,the car letting out a bird like chirp.

" myles what the fuck. What are you even doing here?" She complained I could tell she was mad but oddly enough I didn't care what she was, as long as she wasn't in that house.

" get in the car". I said calmly

" I'm not getting into shit". She protested

" GET IN THE FUCKING CAR". I screamed she seemed stunned by my sudden outburst.she seemed to shut down looking at the ground. I hopped into the car. And watched as she made her way around, taking the seat next to me. I don't know what came over me, the last time anything remotely similar in nature like that happened was the day of the incident. I shook my head.

The car ride was silent, I didn't know what to say to her, she was next to me but I didn't even want to glance in her direction.  So many memories started flooding through my head how long had this been happening.  I remember when we were kids and she ran away from home , was this why.  she was my child hood love , the first girl I ever loved next to my mom for the first eight years of my life, it's as if I don't even know her anymore. Every truly happy memory I've ever had has been with her.

I finally gathered enough nerve to glance at her, her head was down , her eyes fixated on her lap. Her hands folded. That's when I noticed it, she still had it, she kept it to this day. The ring I gave her 10 years ago.

Finally the estate came into view. I opened the garage door via app. I parked the car taking the key out of the engine.

" how long has this been happening ". I asked

" why do you care ,". She responded finally looking up at me.

" the same reason you kept the ring". I responded

" you can have it back, the last thing I need is you telling your little friends that god squad has an abusive father. You know to much already". She said I had to admit hearing her say those things actually hurt me. I let out a scoff.

" is that really how low you think of me, you know me jess, we grew up together". I said defending myself

" no , what I knew was an 8 year old boy , who didn't  parade around with a a bunch of stuck up, obnoxious,  dick head kids who only hang out with him because he's rich and attractive ". She said

" dickhead might wanna calm down there the lord can hear you ya know". I said

" just take me home myles". She demanded

" just take me home myles". I whined mimicking her which caused her to frown, I used to mimic her to piss her off as kids.

" I ain't taking you to shit, and my mom isn't here so your options for tonight are the garage which by the way gets pretty cold at night, or your old guest bedroom you've got 5 seconds to decide". I said she sucked her teeth rolling her eyes.

I watched as she shifted to unlocked the car door.

" smart choice". I commented

We made are way out of the house and into the estate.

Jess POV

I followed him into the kitchen and watched as he opened the fridge and began rummaging through it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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