Day Twelve

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     Imagine Casper's surprise when, as he's hitting up the glass house for his usual breakfast fare and meet and greet with the old man, he finds the little patch of earth they've been clearing two days prior completely free of the brush they'd been hauling. 'Continued assistance' his ass, Balor didn't need any of it. He's been tricked! He gives Balor an accordingly frosty reception that morning for the perceived slight. Balor isn't regretful in the slightest, the traitor. Something about not wishing to waste the day while Casper was away. Casper grudgingly forgives him after the old man points out that this project of theirs is ultimately to his benefit. Forgives him for tricking him into helping sow the seeds this morning too.

     He asks a few questions pertaining to which seeds are these, what are those, do they taste any better than the rest of the stuff he's had so far. Most of it goes in through one ear and out the other, but Balor is happy to tell him more about anything that catches his eye. They've rows of peas and beans, more of that espinac  stuff and beta  too. Balor's finally figured out what their English names are, as he proudly tells Casper, who really couldn't care less (they're 'spinach' and 'beets' respectively). Beta tastes better than espinac, in his voiced opinion, so they plant more beta. With Balor shouldering the hard work of breaking up the earth, they finish for the day shortly after noon. There won't be much to do until the sprouts start pushing up through the earth, so says Balor. The rest is watching, watering, and waiting.

     "That mean I can go now?" Casper asks.

     "Yes, Casper, you may go play now." Casper need not be told twice, he's already off. "Do mind that it would seem as if to rain today," Balor calls after him. Casper spares a moment to shout back confirmation that he heard, then disappears into the trees.

     He's become increasingly confident in his ability to navigate the woodland that surrounds the manor and the hill it rests upon, due in no small part to his recent expeditions. Casper's willing to bet he can find his way to town through the trees alone. He wagers correctly. A shortcut through the forest is indeed much quicker than the meandering manor road, but only if you don't get lost along the way.

     Here's another surprise the day has in store for him: a small squadron of the older Glenholm boys are trying to discretely sneak their way up the manor path. The key word is 'trying'. With all their half-whispered conversations, bumbling, and giggling, Casper hears them a mile off. They'd make terrible thieves, not like him at all, oh no. He'll show them how to do it right, how to sneak up on someone right and proper. Like Balor. He shadows them in the underbrush. Creeps ever closer. Grins like a wolf because they don't suspect a thing. Near enough to catch the scraps of the things they're saying: "Think they know we're coming?", "Think we'll get farther this time?", "Shush!". Lots of shushing and back and forth elbowing.

     Casper shakes his head. They're not sneaking. Not really. This is all a game to them, nothing serious about it. He'll show them, yes, he'll show them alright. Just need to get a little closer. And closer... Mind the twigs that'll give him away should they crack. Mind the branches and their rustling. He's right next to them. Perfect.

     Just one little thing, a dry, little twig from the ground. It snaps and it echoes. Everyone freezes dead.

     "Did you hear that?" Some genius asks.

     Casper springs on them then, roaring like a maniac. They scream. They scatter like frightened hens. Casper laughs and laughs. "You shoulda seen the looks on your faces! Priceless!" He gets cut short under a sudden dogpile.

     Someone shushes him right in his ear. "Shaddap! You're gonna get us all caught!"

     Casper grunts, frees up an arm to push the other guy's face out of his hair. "Geddoff me, will ya? Yer fuckin' heavy." He struggles from the bottom of the heap. "Who's gonna catch us anyhow?" And catch them doing what?

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