For You I'm With You

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"..." (u/n) staring, even though it's more a glare, intently towards Klein. Kirito who notice this ask her dispite wanting to scold Klein. "What's wrong?" he ask.

"Nothing, it's just..." (u/n) close her eyes for a second before ask Kirito "... will I look that stupid? I never even play MMORPG before," with a serious face on top of it. Kirito stare at her for a while before looking away for holding his laugh, even he need to hold his stomach and mouth to do it. "W-what?" (u/n) ask with an embarrassed expression.

"I will look foward it," Kirito straighten himself with a dangerous (as (y/n) dub it) smirk. If she doesn't need his guide, Kirito is already a dead meat now. "Oi, give me a break. You don't feel a pain right?" Kirito immediatelly switch to his sensei-mode as he called Klein. And then he explained something that someone who barely ever see what is MMORPG like (u/n) understand.

(u/n) staring at Kirito boredly, moreover when he took a stone and make a position to throw it. God only knows why he looks so cool while doing it. Let's just forgot the details that the stone hit the bottom of the boar, even though it's still do looks cool.

"Motion input... motion input..." and when Klein mutters that thing, (u/n) at last finally understand what Kirito said from the beggining, not to her but to Klein.

Kirito continues explain, and (u/n) who finally get a grasp of it can now undestand. Klein also seems to understand it now. Klein also making a position while holding his knife. (u/n) can feels that Kirito is smiling before directing the boar towards Klein. Then as Klein's skill 'explode' (as Kirito dub it), somehow (u/n) can see some light effects like in an anime. Is this the system or her imagination?

(u/n) walks toward both of them as Klein cheers for himself. Too bad his happiness are immediatelly crushed by Kirito informing that his previous target is on the same level as a Slime in another games. Based on the common knowledge that (u/n) knows, Slime is a really weak monster. Yet for Klein it's as same as a mid-boss. Well, she can't protest since she never play a game before and the most inexpereienced one here.

Kirito and Klein chatted about skills, no-magic, and how fun moving by their own body. (u/n) wants to join them, but too bad she is only here because of curiosity and Kirito. Also Kirito, or in the reality: the anti-social guy Kirigaya Kazuto, is rarely want to interact with other people like this. So it's not that bad to be silent once in a while.

And people like Klein, even though he is a single that hit (u/n) when they meet (as he said when he introduced himself), he is not that bad. Both as a stranger and a friend.


The training wents until the sunset. Which actually struckawe (u/n). If she doesn't know this is a game, she will never thought so. The view, even though it's exactly looks like in a fairytale, it's seems so real...

"I still can't believe it, no matter how many times I see it..." Klein begins, "that we are in a game, Whoever made this is a genius. It's really amazing..." he continued "I'm glad I was born in this time,"

"I know how it feel," (u/n) said, being silent all the time is just not her type.

"You two make a big deal out of everything," Kirito comments.

"It's my first full dive!"  Klein said

"This is my first MMORPG, baka!" (u/n) screamed "And it's Klein! I barely said or do anything today!"

"Wait... you are joking right, (u/n)?" Klein ask the girl who is currently holding Kirito's collar while said boy is trying to calm the girl.

"What?" the girl let go of Kirito's collar, Kirito deftinely need to remind himself for thanking Klein later or he is already get a straight punch on his face.

"I mean... you never played an MMORPG before?" Klein ask with a shocked face.

"Never. I only participate on SAO because a certain trouble-magnet..." (u/n) send an accussing glare to a certain boy who is avoiding her gaze.

"Well, Klein, is this your first time playing a game with a Nerve-Gear?" Kirito ask to Klein. The more they linger to the previous topic the more chance of him getting a punch will increase.

"I rushed out and bought the hardware to play SAO. I was really lucky to get one of the tend thousands copies," (u/n) fells guilty that she get one from Kirito while other people need to through a hellish war only to get one. "Well, you are ten times as lucky, getting into the beta test. Only a thousand person got to do it." 'JUST HOW SCARY THIS GAME COULD BE!?' (u/n) mentally twitching, she is the luckiest one here, to not go through hell.

"I guess so," Kirito scratching the back of his hair. 'But (y/n) is the luckiest one here, to get the SAO peacefully without any sweat,' he thoughts secretly.

Klein then ask how far Kirito get in the beta-test. And when Kirito explain that during beta-test SAO is the only on his mind all the time, (u/n) is not amused. He deserve a straight punch every time he clearing a dungeon. 

When Kirito explain how he feels with a serious face, more over the reality and virtual part, (u/n) onbly can think one thing: knock some sense into this game-otaku. He really is selfish, never thinking of anyone but himself. "Baka..." she muttered, almost inaudibly.

"Right back at you anime-otaku," Kirito said. And in a blink of second we can see a Kirito with his hand in X position in front of his head and his collar pulled by a girl who has one of her hand and body held back by a Klein.

My, my, Klein. Make sure you are not the one who will be the victim after this. You already make (u/n) silent for almost a day afterall...

But at least this better, because soon they will face the SAO Incident.


What kind of bullshit is this!? //stabbed

*ehem* sorry. ^^"
This chapter is actually a breather yet the start of this story. You can see how (y/n) and Kazu-chan get distanced, little by little. And Klein is bonding with (y/n), I write this part because Klein will be an important character for supporting (y/n) when she... okay, spoiler closed. I will miss these baka trio!! TTATT

Next chapter will be out as soon as I can or when I get the quota.
It's not because I want attention, but it makes me know that someone appricate this story and me. Since I'm a bit depressed with someone betrayed me...

Well, emo times over! Jaa~~

P.S.: please be careful since I can delete or edit this chapter anytime.

P.P.S: After watch Akame ga Kill episode 1 and 2, I only can scream two things: "I AGREE WITH YOU PEOPLE WHO CALL THIS ANIME AKAME GA FEELS!!!" and "I think I will make a Tatsumi x Reader...".

For You... (One-sided?Reader x Kirito)Where stories live. Discover now