Chapter 13: Too fast?

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It's been 2 weeks since jungkook's graduation and now it's getting more summery. Jimin still hadn't asked jungkook what he wanted to but maybe he will after their vacation. Yes THEIR vacation. He was planning on getting them both somewhere for vacation this year since they've been together for a while now and he would love to spend some quality time with his boyfriend under the sun. He hasn't told him anything yet but he's pretty sure that either jungkook feels the same way or would definitely agree with him in an instant.

Jimin invited Kook to have dinner tonight and he was gonna tell him that he wanted to get them tickets for vacation at Saipan for 10 days. Jimin was really excited cause he has never been outside Korea and he would love his first time somewhere to be along Kook's side.

Kook arrived later that evening and brought over some dessert. Jimin cooked because he was feeling quite productive and made some tuna kimbap, kimchi stew and some meat.

"Hyung did you prepare all of this?" asked kook excited

"I sure did baby. I wanted to spoil you a little"

"God i'm really gonna miss this for the next weeks" said kook sadly

Jimin was baffled so he curiously asked

"What do you mean you're gonna miss it baby? I'm right next door" chuckled jimin

"Oh stupid me i forgot to tell you but i always spend my summer breaks in busan in my grandma's house and i'll be heading there this Monday for 4 weeks until pretty much it's time to come back and start the internship at the art studio"

"But Monday is in 2 days Jungkook" jimin said angrily

"Well yeah that's how it goes. Today is Saturday tomorrow is Sunday and in 2 days is Monday"

"And you didn't think of telling me that sooner? I'm supposed to be okay with you going away 4 weeks without seeing you?"

"Jiminie we'll be talking every day. I really just forgot to tell you. These days have been amazing so that's why."

"But why didn't you think of asking me?"

"Why would I ask you to do something i always do? I'm an adult remember?" said jungkook starting to get upset

"Besause you're an adult in a relationship now jungkook."

"So what? That means I can't go and have fun with my friends?"

"I never said that"

"Then what's your problem jimin?"


"You what? Can't we spend some time on our own? I wanna go and have fun, get drunk with my friends and forget this stressful semester and everything. Can you be happy for once for me and stop pressuring me?!?!?!"

Jimin was baffled. He never thought that that's how jungkook felt. Was he really that pressuring? Was he such a bad boyfriend? All he wanted was for kook to pass his exams and be happy but he failed it seems like.

"Is that what you think of me? That all I am is pressuring you?"

"No Min that's not what I meant"

"Seemed like it" mumbled jimin

"Oh c'mon jimin for Christ's sake don't take everything so seriously. Stop being so tense and relax."

"Wow kook just wow. If you feel so pressured with me i think you should leave"

"What jimin no. C'mon we're just having a small fight it's okay. I'm sorry okay?"

"Kook i said leave"

"Baby please no. Let's talk okay? I'm sorry I overreacted. "

"You did and i want you to leave now" jimin said with tears in his eyes

Jimin cries his eyeballs out . He was devastated and that was an understatement. All he wanted was to spend some time with his boyfriend this summer. Just them with some sun and some wine but it seems that he was the only one. He didn't know how to feel. He knows that Jungkook had a stressful semester and he deserves some relaxing time but he thought that Jungkook would include him as well. He felt sad and lonely and it's been a long time since Jimin has felt like that. He didn't really like the feeling and he knew that he wouldn't have a lot of days off so he decided to go with Tae at Saipan and then he would accept a summer job he didn't think he would. He would go work for an animal shelter at Australia. He had sent a resume last summer before he met Kook and he did not expect they'll give him the job this summer so when he got the offer he almost immediately declined but well thankfully he didn't. So now he was gonna spend almost 2 months in Australia. He went upstairs and sent them an email saying he was ready to start in 20 days. Now all he has to do was inform Jungkook like he did. He didn't feel well doing that but he was really hurt. So he did the only thing to make him feel better. He called Tae, got dressed and pretty and went out clubbing and having fun. Without Kook...

A/N: Heyyyy guys!! It's been a hot minute since I've updated but i don't think i have enough talent to write something nice to read and i get pretty discouraged but i'm really trying🥺
Anyways thank you so so much for reading this and making me want to update. I hope you're all safe and healthy and i also hope i can update more. Have a nice read💛💛

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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