This is terrible, sorry

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I upload on this like, whenever, and I think I published like 3 or 4 things today just because I wanted. And whatever, its mine, and its not really fanart either...

Well I only wanted to talk about Undertale. So its a game?

People will probably hate me for this, but I've never played it, and hadn't heard about it until like, a couple weeks ago.

Today on my Pandora, I got a song, To the Bone, that played. It's by JT Music, and lemme just say, HOLY SHIT IS IT GOOD??

Also, I was like, lets see what Undertale really is, and looked it up on YouTube... 3 HOURS LATER, I'M CRYING OVER AN ANIMATION ABOUT A VIDEO GAME I HAVEN'T EVEN PLAYED

Um?? The Frisk dude kills his friends? The skele bros named Papyrus and Sans? (Which I love their names, btw) But I cried? Like, so hard!

I also have a really bad cough right now, so I'm in a corner on my couch, crying, coughing and sniveling like a bitch, and my little sister goes, "Whatcha watchin' Grace?"

"Oh nothin' just really sad stuff."

She frickin' looks at my phone and is like, "Y'know skeletons can't die, they're already dead."

And I don't really know anything about Undertale, don't forget, but obviously they can't come back, cause they bled and disappeared!

RIP Papyrus and Sans

I'm sorry, I'm just appalled at myself for being like this over something that I just got into today!

It's really sad, actually. If you don't know about it, I don't suggest watching any animations or animatics... So sad man

ALL FANARTTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon