When you talk to him for the first time

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Leo- You woke up in an unfamilliar setting. Your first reaction was to jump up and look around for your brother. Feeling a hand on your shoulder, you whirl around.

        Suddenly, you're face-to-face with the most beautiful blue eyes you'd ever seen. They were so dark and deep, and you could feel yourself drowning in them...

        But once you got past the eyes, you noticed that the hand on your shoulder belonged to a giant turtle, as did the eyes.

        "Ah!" You cried, falling back on the sofa. "My brother... where's my brother? Who are you? What happened?"

        "Leonardo!" You hear a sharp voice call. "Is she awake?"

        "Yes, Sensei," the giant turtle called back. That's when you noticed that besides the eyes, he had very, very large muscles.... and a blue bandanna.

        A large rat entered the room. "Hello, my dear. My name is Splinter," he told you. "How are you feeling, young one?"

        "Um... Fine. Where's my brother?" You were pretty sure by now that these were the good guys.

        The turtle in front of you smiled and offered his hand. "Leonardo Hamato. You can call me Leo. Your brother is fine, I promise. He's in the next room playing video games with my brother Mikey."

        You shake his hand. "Y/N. And thanks."

        "Y/N!" Your little brother runs in. "They have a ton of video games here!"

        You smile fondly at your brother. Then, the rest of the turtles come in, and you spend the rest of the day meeting them and learning their story.

Raph- When you woke up on a sofa in an odd place that you'd never seen before, your first instinct was to grunt, "where the hell am I," wait for an answer, and then proceed to beat up whoever offered you one.

        "Where the hell am I?" You asked, completing stage 1 of your plan.

        "Not with the bad guys, I'll tell you that right now." You wanted to vent some anger and pick a fight with the guy, but something in his voice stopped you. Turning around, you saw a turtle. That's right, a turtle. He had vibrant green eyes and a red bandanna. He was tall and obviously strong.

        "Who the hell are you?!" You asked. "Where the hell is my little brother?"

        "Can't you think of a new curse word?" He asks, smirking.

        You growl. Something about this guy makes you want to punch him... but something else about him makes you want to throw your arms around him.

        "Raphael! Is she awake?" You see a giant rat enter the room.

        "What does it look like?" growled Raphael.

        "Raphael. Please. No sarcasm." The rat bowed to you. "Hello, my dear. My name is Splinter. I trust you are feeling better?"

        "Yeah... I guess so... what's going on? Where's my brother?" You wanted to cuss some more to release even MORE anger, but something about this rat stopped you.

        "He is fine. I assure you. I will bring him to you now," said Splinter, leaving the room.

        "Name's Raph," Raphael grunted to you without offering his hand.

        "Y/N." You certainly didn't want to shake hands with him, so you didn't, either.

        "Y/N!" Your brother comes running in. "You're awake! I made more new friends!"

        You spend the rest of the afternoon meeting the other turtles and learning their secret.

Donnie- When you wake up in a new place, your first instinct is to sit up and start panicking. Deciding to act on it, you do just that.

        "Ah! Where am I? Where's my brother? Where are the bad guys? Where's that guy that saved me? Ah!"

        You feel a comforting hand on your shoulder. Turning around, you see- a turtle! With dark brown eyes, a purple bandanna, and a gap between his two front teeth.

        "A mutant turtle... this defies science as we know it..." you whisper.

        "Donnatello! Is she awake?" A giant rat enters the room. You gasp.

        "What are you?" You ask, itching to conduct a couple experiments.

        The rat shakes his head. "That is a story for another time. My name is Splinter. Are you feeling quite well, my dear?"

        "Well, sort of, I guess," you reply hesitantly. "Where's my brother?"

        "He is in the next room, playing games with my other son Michelangelo," Splinter responded. "I shall go get him for you."

        As Splinter leaves, Donnatello turns towards you and offers a hand to help you up. "Donnatello, but you can call me Donnie," he says, flashing you a quick grin. You couldn't help noticing how cute that gap between his teeth was.

        "Hello, Donnie. My name's Y/N," you say, taking his hand and standing up.

        "Hi, Y/N!" Your brother cries, racing in. "I beat my record! This is the most friends I've ever made in one day!"

        You spend the rest of the day listening to the turtles' backstories and meeting the rest of the turtles.

Mikey- When you wake up in an odd place that you've never seen before, your first thought is to go exploring.

        "Hey, cool!" You shout, standing up. "Maybe this is a dream! Maybe I can start flying! I love flying in dreams!"

        "Sorry, dudette, but, like, this isn't a dream," you hear.

        You turn, and suddenly your face-to-face with the cutest guy you've ever seen- even if he IS a turtle. He has ice blue eyes, adorable little freckles, and an orange bandanna.

        "Michelangelo! Is she awake?" A giant rat enters the room.

        You raise your eyebrows at the turtle. "You said something about this not being a dream?"

        He chuckled. "You're funny!"

        "Michelangelo! Please be serious," the rat commanded. Then he turned towards you. "Hello, young one. My name is Splinter. I trust you are okay?"

        "I'm stellar, dudes," you answer. "Really. Where's my bro? Is he alright?"

        "Yeah, he's playing video games in my room!" cries Michelangelo, grabbing your arm. "Let's go! BY the way, dudette, you can call me Mikey or Mike."

        "Cool, dude! I'm Y/N."

        The rest of the afternoon, you played video games, met the other turtles, and learned their secret.





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