He realizes that he has a crush on you/ His brothers find out

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Leo- Leo was watching Space Heroes. Raph was nearby reading a magazine, Donnie was next to him reading a newspaper, and Mikey was next to Donnie playing a hand-held video game. On the TV, Captain Ryan had just beamed down onto a planet.

        Suddenly, Captain Ryan saw a pretty girl with y/h/l y/h/c/ hair and y/e/c/ eyes. Before he could stop himself, Leo jumped up and said, "That looks like y/n!"

        Donnie and Mikey looked up, merely surprised, but Raph smirked and said, "I knew it! I knew it all along."

        "Knew what all along?" asked Leo, confused.

        "You have a crush on y/n!" cried Raph, pointing an accusing finger at Leo.

        "No I don't!" Leo said a little too quickly, feeling his cheeks heating up.

        "Dude, you're blushing. It's obvious," Mikey said very seriously. Then he turned to Donnie. "Potato chip?" he offered, holding the bag up. Donnie accepted, but not before grinning devillishly at Leo.

        Leo sighed and sat down again, his head resting on his knees. Did he have a crush on y/n? Of course he did! Who was he kidding?

        Of course, now that his brothers knew, he knew he wasn't going to catch a bit of slack.

        Raph- Raph was venting some anger on his punching bag. "I hate that awful y/n!" He cried to Donnie, who was nearby.

        "Mm-hmm," said Donnie, who wasn't really paying any attention. He was working on a mathmatical equation for one of his experiments.

        "Really, I do! Are you even listening?" Raph punched the bag harder.

        "Huh?" Donnie looked up. "Oh, Raph, you look upset. Is something wrong?"

        Raph growled and pushed past his brother to go to the TV, where Leo was watching Space Heroes and Mikey was pestering him for the TV.

        "Leo, I want to play Mariokart!"

        "Mike, the show will be over in fifteen minutes, if you would just-"

        "SHUT UP! Both of you!" yelled Raph.

        Leo and Mikey stared at him, bewildered.

        "Dude, what's up with you? You've been so tense the last couple of days," Mikey said, confused.

        "I know what's up with him," Leo said smugly. "He has a huge crush on y/n."

        "I DO NOT!!" yelled Raph, and ran away and slammed the door to his room. As he sat and stewed on his bed, Raph realized that yes, he did have a huge crush on you. But would Leo ruin everything?

        Donnie- Don was in his lab. He was trying to focus on the work in front of him, but he kept drifting off and finding himself thinking of the conversation he had had with you recently.

        "She's so smart," Donnie muttered to himself. "I really wish I could just talk to her all the time. She's- wait, hold on. Do I like her? I like her. But what about April?"

        "Ooh, Donnie's got himself a problem," sang Mikey, emerging from under Don's desk.

        "Mikey!" Don screamed, panicked. "What were you doing there?"

        "Spying," answered Mikey calmly. "So who are you gonna choose, Donnie?"

        "That's none of your business! Shoo! Go away!" Don forced Mikey out of his lab.

        "Donnie likes April AND y/n! Donnie likes April AND y/n!" called Mikey, skipping around the lair. Don covered his ears with his hands and winced.

        "Donnie likes y/n?!" cried Leo's and Raph's voices in unison.

        "Yep, you heard it all right here!" added Mikey's voice. "Do I get a tip?"

        Five seconds later, Leo and Raph were in Don's lab.

        "You have a crush on y/n? But I thought you liked April," said Leo.

        "Who're you gonna choose, Don?" asked Raph slyly.

        "I DON'T KNOW!" screamed Don, frustrated. "Out, out, out, out, OUT!"

        From that day on, Don always kept his lab door locked.

        Mikey- Mikey was playing Mariokart, but he didn't appear to be having any fun. Leo entered the room and went up to his little brother.

        "Hey, Mike, don't forget I need the TV in an hour for- hey, buddy, what's wrong?"

        Mikey wasn't the happy, cheerful turtle he usually was. In fact, he looked close to crying.

        "Mariokart is no fun alone," he whined, sniffing.

        "I'll play with you," said Leo warmly, even though he had planned the next hour for training.

        "But I don't want YOU to play with me, Leo. You're boring and I win every time we play."

        Offended, Leo stepped back. "Well, fine. Who DO you want to play with?"

        "I want y/n!" cried Mikey loudly, the way a child might cry for ice cream.

        "Okay, okay." Leo put his hands over his ears. "Listen, she'll come over tomorrow, and-"

        "That's not good enough! I want her TODAY!" whined Mikey.        

        Leo rolled his eyes. "You know she can't come today, Mikey, she's taking her brother skateboarding. She said she'll be here tomorrow."

        "But I want her now!" cried Mikey, just short of bursting into tears.

        Leo sighed, exasperated, before a thought occured to him.

        "Wait, I think I understand what's going on here... you like y/n."

        "Well, sure I do. We all do."

        "No, no, no. You like like her. You have a crush on her."

        "I just want her here!" cried Mikey. Then he realized- he DID have a crush on y/n.




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