When you get to know him better

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Leo- The next day you and your little brother arrive at the turtles' lair for a visit. You're very eager to see Leo again, because for some reason you can't get your mind off of him.

        "Hey Y/N!" Leo calls as you enter. He's over by the TV watching a show. As your little brother runs towards Mikey's room (they're obviously becoming the best of friends) you approach Leo.

        "What are you watching?" You ask him.

        "Space Heroes!" He answers happily. "That's my hero right there. Captain Ryan. And- oh no, Captain Ryan's in trouble!" Leo gets a panic-stricked look on his face as he stares at the screen. You laugh. Leo was adorable when he watched this show!

        "So besides watching Space Heroes and training, what else do you do?" you ask as the end credits start to roll.

        "I like to meditate," he answers. "And once in a while I'll pick up a good book, too."

        You beam. You also like meditating and reading! You know that you and Leo are going to get along very well.

Raph- The next day you and your little brother arrive at the turtles' lair for a visit. This was your brother's idea- you don't want to have to run in to that arrogant Raphael again! But somehow, you find yourself wondering if he's really that bad.

        Your brother runs off with Mikey to play video games. Leo's over by the TV watching a show, and Donnie's working on an experiment in his lab.

        "Where's Raph?" you ask Donnie as he comes out to say hello.

        "He's over at the punching bag getting out some anger," Donnie replies, pointing, before hurrying off and continuing his experiment.

        You turn to look- and find that you can't tear yourself away. Raph's muscles are bulging as he stirkes the punching bag again and again. Finally, he tires himself out and turns away to find you standing there.

        "Oh, you. Hi, Y/N," he says, rolling his eyes. You can tell he hasn't forgotten you, either. Does he still hate you, you wonder?

        "Hi, Raph," you say tensly. "Donnie said you were working out some anger. What are you angry about?"

        "Everything," he grunts, grabbing a water bottle and chugging it. "Ya know the feelin'?"

        "Well, yes," you agree. "I... guess I'll see you around?"

        "Not if I see you first." He leaves to go towards the bathroom, probably to get a shower. For some reason, this bring a tinge of red to your cheeks but you ignore it.

Donnie- The next day you and your brother arrived at the turtles' lair for a visit. You're excited, because you thought that Donnie was extremely intelligent and you loved having conversations with him. You found yourself daydreaming about talking to him for hours on end, but shook it out of your head.

        When you entered, you saw Leo by the TV. Your brother ran off to play with Mikey, but you approached Leo. "Where's Don?" you ask him.

        "Hmm?" Leo tore his eyes away from the show. "Oh, hi, Y/N. Don's in his lab. He was asking about you this morning, so he should be happy to see you."

        "Great. See you later, Leo." You head off towards the lab and stand in the doorway. Donnie is mixing chemicals together, muttering to himself. You liked how he looked so concentrated when he worked.

        "Donnie?" you ask to get his attention.

        "Y/N!" The chemicals almost flew out of his hand, and he spills a little. "You startled me!"

        "Sorry," you apologize, blushing as you hurry to get a paper towel to help him clean it up. "So, what are you making?"

        "Nothing much." He shook his head. "You probably wouldn't be interested. None of my brothers are."

        "I am," you prod, throwing the paper towel away now that the mess is cleaned up. "Tell me."

        "Really?" He looks excited. "Oh, great! Well, I'm making a new vitamen for my brothers and I that will hopefully improve our performance-"

        Turns out, your daydream of spending all day talking with Donnie really does come true.

Mikey- The next day, you and your brother arrive at the turtles' lair for a visit. Mikey was waiting for the two of you just inside, his light blue eyes dancing with excitement.

        "Y/N! Yay, you made it! Hey, dudette!" He gave you a fist bump. Leo was watching a show, and your little brother wandered over and began watching it with him.

        "Come on! I've got some video games in my room, we don't need the TV!" He bounded off, and you raced to catch up with him.

        Mikey also had some pizza is his room. When you saw this, you were so happy you could burst.

        "Dude, you have pizza, too?" You exclaim.

        "Yeah, dudette! My two favorite things in the world!" he cries happily.

        "Really? What about your family and friends?" you ask.

        "Well, my family and friends are my favorite people. But pizza and video games are things," Mikey explains.

        His logic seems flawless, and Mikey is so happy and energetic you find yourself becoming that way, too. You two spend the rest of the day in pizza and video game heaven, talking amogst yourselves happily.



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