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Hello, I'm sorry if I talk too much. I probably will take down this chapter in the future, but for now, I'll just put it here 😆

I actually don't have a good cover for this book. So if any of you is kind enough to edit a cover for me, I would be very thankful.

Secondly, I actually aiming for two updates a day. I used to be able to write thousands of words within a day in English without any problem. Alas, since I had graduated from highschool, I find that my English is slowly declining, and the fact that I'm currently learning mandarin, japanese and indo language doesn't make it better. I keep switching on and off like 'she is (malay word) like (japanese word) so she blah blah'

Confusing yes.

Other than that, I hope you guys will drop votes and comments. It just allow me to feel a bit more motivated to update. That, or you can just simply add it in your library- I'll be thanful.

Feel free also to criticise my writing, I used to be the best student in english in my grade, but eh, I guess not writing anything for a while does damage your writing skill- and language, too. Lol.

Bye ❤

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