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(this is a Steven universe fanfic, this isn't about me, just so there's no confusion, onto the bio)

it was a rainy day and I was depressed, I'm 16 now and a lot can change in two years, Connie and I have started dating for over a year now and I'm happy about that, don't get me wrong, she's my best friend in the whole wide world, I just can't get over the fact that mom was pink, what if she isn't gone, I learned because of white taking out my gem two years ago that I can't live without it, what if... what if I purposefully took out my gem... and didn't put it back... would I be gone? my other half is practically emotionless, so I guess in a way I would be, but I would be missing out on a lot, especially the birth of my daughter, Connie and I agreed to name her after my mother, but if I do this... Quartz is a middle name that might as well be passed down... right?... I'm going to write a farewell note..... but.... I'm not going to let my other half reform..... I'm going to..... no that won't work...... I can't bubble my gem without my gem..... can I?..... I'll have pink pearl do it for me..... after all..... white pearl...... my pearl..... mom's pearl?..... she didn't tell any of us about rose being pink so why should pink pearl tell anyone about me making this choice to end my own life..... at least I might be able to see mom for the first time...... goodbye universe.....

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