Ch. 9

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                                                                           Hope POV

we watch as Manny and Ellie take a separate path all three of us smile and continue on our way, 

I sat down next to Diego as we sat in front of the fire when we see Manny come back 

"How did it go?" I asked 

"Umm...not bad," Manny said 

just then Ellie came stoping by Crash and Eddie on her back, Her foot landed in a puddle dousing the fire with a hiss, 

"Could have fooled me," I mumbled 

"Okay, we tracked with you all day, now you're coming with us at night," Ellie ordered, 

"But we can't see at night," Manny said 

"Then enjoy the flood," Ellie said stopping off, 

Crash and Eddie turned their nosies up in the air, with their arms crossed, 

"I can't even look at you right now," Crash said 

"Pervert!" Eddie yelled at Manny 

we all looked at each other, 

"Making friends everywhere you go just making friends," Sid said 

we followed them down the foggy path I was walking next to Diego, 

we continued walking until the ground crumbled from beneath us, 

I fell onto the second level of rock I stood on my two hind legs freezing in fear I couldn't move I was to afraid, 

Manny and Ellie paced frantically above, 

"Stop moving!" Diego said 

my breathing ragged, 

"Thank you," Diego said 

the platform above me split, as Diego dangled from above, 

"Manny! Ellie! lock trunks!" Diego said 

They hesitated Ellie glared scoffing at Manny, 

"Now!" Diego said 

they did as he ordered, pulling the split platform together, 

"Crash! Eddie! grab onto that ledge!" Diego said 

They looked down at the hole below, and chuckled nervously, 

"Funny! now what's your real plan," Eddie said 

"Just do it!" Diego ordered 

"Bye Eddie! Bye Ellie!" The opossums dramatized 

"Do it now!" Diego yelled 

they grabbed onto the ledge which stopped the rotating rocks, 

"Listen. I'm sorry... if what I said before offended you," Manny said 

Ellie bulked back

"What do you mean if it offended me!" Ellie yelled, 

causing me to fall to my stomach and my claws latched into the rock, 

"That it offended her! that it offended her!" Crash yelled 

"I mean that! it offended you!" Manny said 

the rocks stabilized, 

"You just over reacted that's all!" Manny said 

"What!" Ellie yelled

"Take it back!" Eddie yelled

"There are other lives at stake here!" Crash yelled  

"Wait he's got a point!" Sid yelled 

"He's got nothing!" Crash said 

"It was just a misunderstanding!" Sid yelled 

"It was insensitive!" Eddie yelled 

"Apologize!" I yelled getting back on my two feet, 

"Why me!? she overreacted!" Manny yelled 

"Just apologize!" Diego yelled 

"No!" Manny said 

"Do it!" Diego yelled 

"Okay! I'm sorry!" Ellie said 

"What!?" Everyone including me shouted 

"He's right I overreacted," Ellie said 

"You mean you were..." Manny said 

"Not another word or I'll come over and push you over myself!" Diego said 

next thing I know the rock started to crumble, Crash and Eddie pushed me so that I would move and we ran, 

Diego wasn't gonna make it but Ellie and Manny grabbed him by each paw,

"I guess we finally did something right together," Ellie said 

"Hey don't mind me just hanging off the edge of a cliff here," Diego said 

they pulled Diego up, we decided to rest for the night, 

Manny and Ellie seemed to be doing fine now as I laid against Diego, 

"Ah remember the good old days?" Sid said 

"What good old days?" I asked 

"Oh you know yesterday the day before back when the trees went up and down and the ground stayed under our feet," Sid said 

"Yup those were the good old days Opossums were opossums and mammoths were mammoths, we should get some sleep," Diego said 

"Yeah, tomorrows the day the vulture says we're all gonna die!" Sid said then promptly passed out, 

"So afraid of heights?" Diego asked 

I nodded ashamed 

"that explains why you never go in high places like trees," Diego said 

I nodded 

"It scares me being up that high," I mumbled 

"It's okay Hope everyone is afraid of something," He said smiling at me 

I nodded slowly falling asleep 

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