Ch. 12

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                                                               Hope POV

We were all on the rock, 

"We're gonna live!" Sid said 

the water started rising around the rock and at our paws, 

"We're gonna die!!" Sid said dramatically 

I hopped on Manny's head 

suddenly the ice walled cracked and split open, the two walls moved apart slowly and the water rushed out through the ravine, 

the water slowly went down, 

we were once again safe then the animals started rushing off the boat, 

I was on Manny's tusk as he walked next to Ellie we see a bunch of mini sloths hugging, Sid is Hugging Diego, 

"Don't ask," Diego said 

suddenly a rumbling sound came from the new entrance to the valley, all eyes turned toward the hill and I watched from Manny's tusk, 

Mammoths walked into the valley, slowly and proudly, there were hundreds of them, 

"We're not the last ones anymore!" Ellie said starting to walk with them but stopped when Manny didn't follow, 

I got off of Manny's tusk and stood with Crash and Eddie, 

"you're not coming?" Ellie asked 

"you wanna go with them?" Manny asked 

"I am a mammoth I should probably be with a mammoth... don't you think?" Ellie asked 

"Well yeah..... unless..." Manny trailed off 

"Unless?" She asked 

"Unless I.... I just wanna say...... I need to tell you.... I hope you find everything you're looking for," Manny said sadly 

Ellie looked hurt, 

"you too," She replied 

Eddie and Crash peaced out and ran after their sister, 

I hopped on Manny's tusk, 

"Manny?" Sid said 

"you've come a long way since we met and I'll take full credit for that but you need to let go of the past... so you can have a future," Sid said 

Manny looked after Ellie then at Diego and Sid, 

"Go after her," Diego said 

"It's okay," Sid said 

"We'll keep in touch," Manny said 

I hugged Diego and Sid hopping back on Manny's tusk, 

"Yeah yeah you're good friends point made now go on scat," Diego said 

"Ellie!" Manny ran 

I hopped off his tusk because he went in a tree, 

"Manny!" Ellie yelled 

Manny was now hanging upside down from a tree in front of Ellie

"Ellie I don't want us to be together because we have to I want us to be together because we want to! and I wanna be with you Ellie, so what do you say?" Manny said 

"Oh manny I thought-" Ellie said 

then Manny fell out of the tree, a branch on top of him 

Ellie chuckled moving the branch off of him, 

"you're enough opossum for me," Ellie said 

"I'll carry him!" Manny said grabbing Sid, 

I'm sitting on Ellie's tusk, 

"But you're herd is leaving," Diego said 

"We are now," Manny said 

"Woo! Shotgun!" The brother yelled and slid down Ellie's trunk and onto Diego's back, 

"Manny who do you like better? Me or Diego?" Sid asked 

"Diego, not even close," Manny said 

"Ha! told ya," Diego said 

"Manny you can't close between your kids!" Ellie said 

I chuckled 

"He's not my kid, Not even my dog, If I had a do and my dog had a kid and the kid had a pet... that would be Sid," Manny said 

"Can I have a dog Manny?" Sid asked 

"No," Manny said 

"Ellie can I have a dog?" Sid asked 

"Of course you can sweetie," Ellie said 

"Ellie we have to be consistent with him," Manny said 

I smiled at the new couple, this is my family and herd I thought 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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