chapter 2

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Chapter 2
DAMON AND I ENTER a Starbucks outlet opposite the building where the spa is located.

"Look at you all muscly and huge," I said grabbing a seat.

He must have committed a lot of time working out to have such a great body.
The waitress took our order and left.

"Well I have the gym to thank for that"

I noticed the way he talked was different, it's reserved which arrested attention and commanded respect. It's been ten years since we last saw each other, I'll be surprised if nothing changed. I changed...
I noticed ladies swirl and making advances towards him, I don't blame them, his appearance is so godlike even though he's wearing a tank top and loose work out pants. His hair, trimmed to the barest minimum complimented his face even more. I was checking him out. I've gone mad.

"You stopped writing me," he said breaking me out of the hot spell

Our drinks arrived.

"I never did, I didn't even receive your reply when I told you we were moving from New Orleans" I managed to say, biting my lower lip, trying to smack sense into my brain.

"You moved? I moved too" he leaned forward

"Well I guess our mail got lost in the wind,  I thought you didn't want to write to me anymore, prolly too busy with school and California chicks to reply to me so I gave up"

"I couldn't even find you on Facebook anymore"

"I deleted that" a frown appeared between my eyebrows remembering when I decided to shut myself off everything. I had done too many wild things to myself and hated who I'd become.
"I'm glad we meet again ol' pal"

That was our friendship catchphrase.

"You still remember" I giggled in-between words.

"I have to go now Ol' pal," he said reading a message from his phone.

"We need to catch up, I've really missed you, Claire. You free Wednesday night? After work? I'm assuming you work" he added

"Of course champ I work, and yes Wednesday night is perfect" I teased

We exchanged numbers and then he left. I was so excited about seeing my old bestie but didn't know if he felt the same way. He was so guarded.

Back then, Damon was the only friend I had.

It's my second week in Berly's High school, had no friends, leaving me on my own during breaks and in class, which I like because I hate socializing. But I have a problem- fourteen years old Megan Statham- The queen bee of the school.  she took pleasure in bullying others, not excluding twelve-year-olds like me, making them think less of themselves. She gets all she wants and got away with hurting others as regards to her being the Mayor's daughter. One time I saw her in the hallway telling a girl not to wear yellow anymore cause that's her color and nobody had the guts to contend with her.

I was sitting alone as usual during lunch break at the cafeteria eating when Megan walked up to me alongside her two other puppets.

"That's her" Yolanda pointed a finger at me

"Guess she's new here, I think someone needs to hand her the handbook," she said knowing fully well I can hear her. The other puppet dropped a book on the table.

"Never ever pack your hair up to a ponytail, that's my style and I don't share"

"So this is about my hairstyle" I scoffed in between words at her lame reason to excuse her insecurities.

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