The set up

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Marinette and Adrien didn't get to hang out. His father wouldn't let him out of the house that day, so they just texted... or at least until her phone died unexpectedly and now Marinette was worried her thought she was ghosting him. She was so caught up in worrisome thoughts that she didn't notice Alya had entered the room. 

"Um... Marinette? Earth to Marinette?" Alya tried to get her attention as Tikki squawked at Alya's familiar face... well.. mask I mean. Alya picked up the bird and placed it on Marinette's head where it started doing a happy Minecraft parrot dance. 

"WHAT THE!" Marinettte jerked up violently but Tikki stayed on. The red bird lowered it's head to meet Marinette' face, still twerking its rump in the air. "Alya?" Marinette turned around to see her friend. 

"Hey girl! Finally snapped out of it huh? Whatchya doin? Day dreaming about Adrien again?" Alya teased. Marinette scooped Tikki up in her hands and off her head, placing her on her desk.

"No not really." Marinette some what lied. She stood up in front of her friend. "What are you doing here?" 

"Is it so terrible I want to hang out with my bestie?!" Alya drastically clasped a had over her chest. 

"What?! No!" Marinette started laughing. "I didn't even notice you come in! You're so sneaky!" 

"Come on! I want to show you something." Alya motioned Marinette to follow her as she headed back to the trap door. 

"Ok?" Marinette hesitantly followed her. Alya and her went through the bakery outside. "I'm not quite sure what's so amazing about the street." Marinette said flatly as they stopped at the street for no apparent reason. 

"You'll see." Alya smirked. 

Marinette almost peed herself when several hands jumped at her with cheerful words. All her friends had come over to surprise her and basically kidnapped her. Literally. They put a pillow over her head and dragged her like a corpse to a red wagon that they placed her in.

Except the wagon had another person inside. 

"Ow- what the-" A familiar voice said. Marinette lifted the bag over her head as the wagon started moving and saw Adrien, also with a pillow case on his head. Marinette couldn't help but giggle. "Marinette?"

"SSHHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHH!" Alya pulled the bag back over Marinette's head. Her friends started laughing. 

"May I ask what you're doing?" Marinette questioned.

"SSHHHH its nothing." Rose's voice replied.

"I swear if this is another set up 'date' I'm gonna kidnap one of YOU and stuff you under my bed to rot." Marrinette growled. Her friends laughed in response. It must have looked odd, to see a bunch of teenagers drag two bagged people in a wagon through the streets. 

"No..." Mylene started giggling. A few moments later their bags were torn off their heads and they were tipped from the wagon and rolling down a grassy hill. Marinette screamed, but also gave each of her friends a death glare as she and Adrien rolled into a Parisian park.

"Play nice!" Alya called and the others continued rolling over in laughter. Then they ran off, probably to spy on her and Adrien. 

Marinette looked at her surroundings and realized that this certainly WAS a set up date between her and Adrien. She groaned. Their were twinkle lights around the trees, the sun was setting, and there was a picnic with a card that read "For Adrien and Marinette" with a little heart around their names. Adrien helped Marinette get up. 

"They are ruthless." Marinette huffed. 

"Talk about it." Adrien rolled his eyes under hs mask. Though both of them were secretly thanking their friends, they sure acted the opposite. "hey um.. you excited for your roll?"

"Yes, especially since you'll be Romeo." Marinette blushed. Had she really just said that? She was panicking eternally inside.

"W-well I'm uh.. flattered?" Adrien rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Marinette giggled. 

"I don't know about you but I'm stealing all this food." Marinette jumped over to the picnic basket and picked it up, throwing open the lid. 

There was nothing in it. She frowned. Her friends seriously did all this work but didn't put food in the basket. 

"Well that's odd." Adrien chuckled.

"Dang I was really hoping for Chocolate." Marinette sighed. She flopped onto the bench and looked up the small "hill" and could see Alya filming. She raised a middle finger for her.  "You know what? Lets go somewhere else."

"But it's nice here..." Adrien was dragged away by Marinette who was rather angry. Must be a period. 


Dawn dawned on the morning dawn. Bet that was confusing. 

Marinette practically flew with glorious wings out of bed and landed gracefully on the floor in a heaping beautiful sprawling of arms and legs and a loud pop of the neck. Seriously now I'm just playing with you. 

She quickly got up with an upside down frown and fell over again. Tikki squawked for food. Marinette got up and fed her bird, then went to get dressed. Why was she so eager to get up you may ask? Well today was the first day of rehearsals and she would be Juliet! (hopefully but most likely)

She pulled on her day clothes, re corrected her weights, and put her horrific monstrosity of a mask on, and grabbed her pre packed ballet back. She skipped down the stares and fell on her face turning her upside down frown into a right side up one. Her father noticed her, as she had clearly made a loud thump on her way down. 

"Marinette are you alright?" He asked as she got back up, tripping on her own feet. 

"I'm fine." She brushed herself off and put a smile back on. "Is my mask ok?" She fingered it, and sighed in relief to know it hadn't broken for a third time.

"Yes dear." Tom smiled. He then continued to decorate gingerbread men with icing. "Why are you in a rush?" 

"Rehearsals are today." Marinette panted and went over to kiss her papa on the cheek. 

"But that's in two hours, I didn't think you'd be up so early." Tom chuckled. 

"Yeah but I want a he'd start." Marinette snatched a gingerbread woman that had a red suit of icing with black polka dots. 

"Hey!" Her father tried to grab it but Marinette had managed to stuff the entire thing in her mouth already. "Naughty girl! Santa ought to put a lump of coal in your stocking."

"He'd have to exist to do that." Marinette smirked. Tom sighed and Sabine walked in.

"Going already dear?" She asked sweetly.

"Yep!" Marinette kissed her mothers cheeks and hugged both her parents. "I'll be walking with Adrien."

"Oh so that's why you're so eager. You get to be with that boy." Sabine giggled.   

"No... just um... you know.. yes." Marinette whispered that last part. "Bye!" She dashed out the door as quickly as she had fallen down the stairs. 

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