Eyes, look your last! The dashing rocks thy sea-sick weary bark!

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"Are you here? The recital just started." Dr. Olsen called over her phone.

"Just driving in." Said the voice on the other side.

"Good because we only have-"

"20 minutes? I get ya. Is that till the bomb goes off?" The voice interrupted.

"No but the officer won't do anything if we don't have evidence in 20 minutes." She Said with sass.

"Hmm. This is probably a spoof anyways." The voice was sarcastically cold.

"That's what every one is saying." Dr. Olsen remarked.

"I'm outside now." The phone call was hung up and in walked a man about 6 feet tall with a slick greasy brown hair and an aged face. Dr. Olsen furrowed her eyebrows. "Well then?" His voice was husky and emotionless.

"Follow me." She showed her ID government badge to the lobby intendants at pursues to walk down the hall two find the entry of lower stage.





"Marinette your on!" Stage hand reminded her. She mumbled an apology and hurried to the stage entrance. She saw a sea of people in the audience, and a few blue dressed hip hope performers on stage with Adrien and Makenzie. She also saw the cameras... the cameras..

The music was upbeat as the "Montagues crashed the Capulets party" as one may put it. Some little kid hip hop dancers came on from either sides of the stage, some in blue (montagues) and others in red (capulets).

The "ball" music was a bit up beat, and Marinette listened for the part where it would romantically slow down for her entrance.

That part happened, the hellos dramatically hummed a romance tune that just sang love, and the violins and violas sag the accompaniment while piano kept the original song there.

Marinette bowed herself onstage, the lights almost blinding her. She felt big, beautiful, stunning, and important in that moment. She tip toed little baby steps, one foot in front of the other with her arms raised above her head elegantly.

Behind her was Lady Capulet ( a younger advanced student than she) and Nurse (the famous ballerina). The mimicked her flow and the tall woman who was nurse by the name of Earn jumped ahead of Marinette. They linked arms and danced together as Lady Capulet moved to the opposite side of stage. Earn (an Asian girl) followed.

Marinette was left alone, and suddenly felt her body go weak. The weights were to heavy. But she saw Adrien, making eye contact and took a deep breath. She spun around the little hip hop dancers who were very un organized. She stood on one pointed toe and leaned over, touching her toes. Un aware of the bomb resting directly beneath her.





Dr. Olsen continued to walk with the policeman, whom she realized was called Officer Jarmanga, and proceeded to storm to the basement. Some suspicions aroused from the people whome worked there, but saw their IDs and ignored the thought of questioning them.

They saw the performers backstage getting their shoes or props ready, with a jidder if excited talk. Dr. Olsen scowled at their happiness. In a life of fairness why were they more happy than she?

They opened the door beneath the stage and entered. And there it sat, clearer than day.

A glistening contraption day to set to destroy the night broadcasted across France in Tragedy. Dr. Olsen ran up to the bomb cautiously and examined it, carefully not to set it off some how. She took a few glances over it, and took some pics with her phone.

"Let's defuse it already! Come on!" Officer Jarmanga scowled.

"We can't, it's rigged to go off within three seconds should we move it or press the defuse button. We'll need some specialists. But I have my evidence." Dr. Olsen grinned, but quickly backed away from the device as soon as possible.

They made their way out to get government officials, and some one who might know how to defuse a bomb.





  Marinette bowed with the other performers and made as they made their way off stage to leave Marinette and Adrien alone for the balcony scene. She readied herself upon the raised plateforme. The music began to play and they did their part.

Adrien places himself on the wall of the platform and Marinette leaned her masked face close to his. They could hear each other's breathing as time seemed to slow.

The dancing part came naturally, but the audience didn't know they weren't pretending to be in love.


"Mister Bourgeois! I have the proof!" Dr. Olsen ran in HQ with Dr. Jarmanga. Mister Bourgeois raised his eyebrows in surprise, looking at her photos. He muttered to himself.

"Some one in the theater must be planning a rebellion of sorts!" He exhaled.

"We can send in the police-" Officer Jarmanga began to say before Mister Bourgeois interrupted him.

"I'm sorry Officer but we will not be in your services today." He raised a hand to dismiss him. The policemen scowled but left the room deliberately.

"The bomb is rigged to go off at touch. We need a-"

"Mechanic? Of course Dr. Olsen. I will prepare our troops, and stop the rebellion." He said wisely.





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