Chapter 2: The Reaping

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At about dawn, Lilyanna crawls into my bed. She's worried about me getting picked, and I can't bring myself to tell her that I will be. Finnick says it will be safer is she and Chase do not know about the plan. I find myself wondering why Plutarch didn't include Chase in the plan.

Lilyanna wraps her arms around me and I pull her close. She's twelve now, but whenever I have nightmares she comes in to comfort me. I have them every night, but she doesn't always hear me crying out. Our rooms are right next to each other in our Victor's Village house.

When it comes time to get up, I rouse Lilyanna and tell her to eat. She goes to the kitchen to pretend like she's eating. I pick out an nice dress for myself, as I'd like to look good and attract sponsors when I'm picked.

I straighten my dark hair and put on light makeup. I feel sympathy for the people in 5 who cannot afford straighteners and makeup. Breakfast will not stay in my stomach, so I do not eat. Lilyanna comes out of her room wearing a nice sweater and jeans. She's trying to keep herself from crying.

I open my arms and she runs into them. "Mom, I'm so worried." Lilyanna says into my chest.

"I know, Yana." I tell her. "Me too."

"What if you're picked?" She asks.

I gulp. Every part of me is trying not to tell her about the plan so she can be warned. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

Lilyanna nods, and steps back. "Chase is here." She tells me, pointing to the door.

Sure enough, my best friend is at my door in a t-shirt that looks like a tuxedo. They make them in the Capitol, so Chase must've gotten one on his last trip there. He won his Games two years before I did.

He opens the door, and steps in. Chase is worried sick. He masks it for Lilyanna's sake, but knows he cannot hide anything from me.

Chase comes to me and hugs me. His hugs are very warm, and somehow comforting.

"Hi Chase." Lilyanna says.

He grins softly at my daughter, who is like his daughter too. "Hey Lil Winter." Chase turns to me. "We should all get going. Wouldn't want to be late, now would we?" He's joking, but none of us laugh.

Chase puts an arm around me, and I take Lilyanna's hand.

Once we arrive, I am led to the roped-off area for female Victors. To my right is Onnie Libero, the old woman who was my mentor. To my left is Georgina Saphoro, a morphing addict. We are the only three. Onnie is like my mother, and Georgina is like my sister. It will be hard to leave them when my name gets called at the reaping. And they don't even know it's going to be me, so I'm sure they're worried sick.

In the men's section, there are five Victors. Chase is one of them, and I just hope he doesn't get called like I will. Two are drunks: Ausher Abrams and Domino Dice. Antonio Gonzalez is a morphing addict, and Zero Robbins was a prideful and joyful killer whose actions have finally caught up with him.

The always-cheerful Connie Everett smiles down at us under gaudy lavender lipstick. "Welcome to the Reaping for the 75th Annual Hunger Games!"

I glare up at her. This is sick, and she believes in it all.

"This year is the celebration for the Quarter Quell. The tributes are going to be reaped from the pool of Victors. We have 8 today, five men, and three ladies. Which two will be the lucky ones? May the odds be ever in your favor!" She chirps.

Connie drops her hand into the women's bowl, containing many slips of paper, all with my name on them. Connie has a piece of paper in her hand. "Alexandria Winter, Victor of the 68th Games, aged 24." She says merrily as she discards the name slip.

Even though I knew this was to be the outcome, I shut down. Why did I volunteer for this? Everdeen can save her own skin. My brain is shifting into overdrive, my knees are shaking.

"No!" Lilyanna yells. "Mom! No!"

The Peacekeepers are advancing on me to escort me up to the stage. I take a deep breath, and push past them. I will do this with dignity.

On the stage, I feel exposed. All of my district, staring up at me in confusion. They will be sad to see me go. Whenever I took in Lilyanna, I gained their respect.

Chase dodges the Peacekeepers and picks up Yana. He carries her to Georgina, while Lilyanna kicks him and screams. When Lilyanna is safely in Georgina and Onnie's care, Chase lets the Peacekeepers push him back to his section.

Connie pulls out another slip and reads, "Domino Dice. Victor of the 44th Games, and aged 50." Domino has been drinking more and more since he found out about the Quarter Quell. He staggers up to stairs and drapes an arm around Connie for support. She gives him a disgusted look.

"May the odds be never in your favor, folks!" He calls, putting his other arm around my shoulder.

Connie steps away in horror at Domino. I untangle myself from the drunk, and follow the Peacekeepers to my goodbye room. How can I tell the people I care about that I am not coming home?

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