Chapter 5: Chariot Rides and Katniss Everdeen

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My old prep team is back. They had retired since my last Games, but they asked Snow if they could be my stylists again.

Rinnet, the man who does my hair, has still got his spiky neon orange locks, and blue lipstick. He embraces me. "Alexandria Winter," he says. "still as beautiful as seven years ago. How are you, sweetie?"

Rinnet was always my favorite. He was extremely cheeky, and reminded me of a used car salesman, but he was sweet too.

"I'm okay." I say truthfully, even though I'll probably be slaughtered in the next few weeks. Seeing them is good for me.

"Oh, honey, Kora can't wait to see you!" That's Jassie, a woman in her forties obsessed with purple. Her hair, eyeliner, clothes, shoes, almost everything on her body, is purple. She's bubbly and bright, and my nails usually reflect as such.

Livie, a younger woman who keeps to herself most of the time, is here with her yellow hair and green outfit. She quietly tells me to undress, and asks if I want them to leave.

"I'm fine." I say. I slip out of my clothes gingerly.

"We'll need to shave her legs." Jassie says tearfully. Even she knows I'm going to die this time. "But the rest of her body is fine."

Livie nods and grabs the wax. I gulp.


After a painful shaving session, I am brought to my old stylist, Kora.

"They did your hair and nails beautifully." He observes, looking at my bright nails and my dark hair up in a bun with a glowing bow.

"None of them have lost their touch, that's for sure." I tell him honestly. "I missed you guys."

Kora has his long dreadlocked hair in a ballerina bun, sort of like mine. His skin is paler than last time, and his eyes are blue now.

He smirks. "I figured." Kora says. "Come on. I have the ugliest outfit for you to wear."

I laugh. For my last tribute parade, Kora had told me that he hated tribute parades because the tributes always looked ugly.

Kora leads me over to a silver dress hanging in the corner. It's beautiful, shimmering and shining everywhere. I put it on, and turn to Kora.

"Like a diamond in the rough." Kora breathes. "I figured you'd want something less, 'Capitol'. More classy."

I am breathless. I didn't know Kora knew me that well, or was that bold. "It's beautiful." I tell him.

"Here are your accessories." He tells me, handing me an orange glow stick necklace and an orange glow stick bracelet.

I put on the accessories, and look at myself in the mirror. For once, I look like me. I've always wanted the Capitol to see me as I am. Now's my chance.

"You know, since I'm not an official stylist," Kora says. "I am allowed to place bets."

Bets? He cares about betting?

Kora sees my disgusted look. "I know you think this system is barbaric, but Alexandria, I placed a bet on you last night to win. You can win. Come home to your daughter and your friends."

I smile great fully at him. "I'll try, Kora. I'll try."

But I really won't. I'll have to leave with Plutarch if this plan works, if I survive up until then. But what Kora said means a lot to me.


When I arrive downstairs, all the Victors are in little groups, chatting awkwardly.

I decide to got see Finnick, Mags, Johanna, Blight, Chaff, and Seeder.

"Hey," I say.

Seeder embraces me. "Hello honey." She says. "How's the little one?"

I choke back uncomfortable tear. "She's good." I tell her. everyone gives me looks of pity, except for Johanna. I really would like to change the subject. "Your outfit looks lovely, Finnick." I say sarcastically.

Finnick grins, looking down at the fishing net wrapped around his junk. "What outfit?" He asks, eating a sugar cube that was supposed to be for the horses.

Johanna smirks. "Very true, Finnick. Your stylist's dumber than mine. Trees? Are you kidding me?"

"I think Alex's looks the best." Seeder pipes up. "It looks normal."

"Kora described it as classy." I say. "Definitely my style."

I look over at Everdeen, trying to remain invisible by her horse. I can't believe I left Lilyanna so I could die saving her. If she wants to even have a chance of surviving, she needs to talk to people.

The other tributes follow my gaze. "She looks so uncomfortable." Blight says.

Johanna smirks. "Bet I can make her more uncomfortable."

"Wanna bet?" Finnick challenges.

"You're on." replies Johanna.

Finnick saunters over to Everdeen and murmurs in her ear, probably seductively.

"He's cheating," I tell my friends. "He's half-naked. That's bound to unsettle her."

As Finnick got closer to her, Blight broke into a laugh. "He's flirting!"

Mags shakes her head as if she doesn't know what to do with him.

Everdeen wasn't falling for it. She must've been uncomfortable on the inside though... Peeta comes down and Finnick walks away from Everdeen, smirking heavily.

"Nice try." Chaff says. "It'll be easy to beat."

Johanna laughs maniacally. "That's hilarious boys. You can't even be prepared for what I'm going to do."

I am worried now. Johanna might give Everdeen a heart attack before we can even save her life.

"Time to get in our chariots." Blight observes, listening to the music that is beginning to play.

We all wish each other luck, and I head over to my chariot. Domino has just arrived. He's dressed in a silver shimmering tuxedo, with the same look as my dress. He looks terrible though. His turn to alcohol doesn't make his old and disgusting body look nice. I guess I can't blame him though. If I didn't have Lilyanna and Chase, I might've done the same thing.

I look at him and decide that what I do is not going to matter because of what he does. When our chariot rolls out into the City Circle, I begin waving at the crowd and making faces at the children. Not offensive faces, just... faces. The kids are loving it so much, I decide to joke with their parents as well. The parents aren't eating it up as the kids were, but I get a few smiles here and there.

We pull to a stop and Snow gives an incredible boring, 'welcome to the Quell, I can't wait to see you die' speech. His smirks are taunting, and I just want to stab him. What an evil man.

When we are back in the Remake Center, I step out of the chariot and follow Georgina to my quarters. She wants to brief me on some more strategy, but I push her away and go to bed. I don't want to think of anything at has to do with Snow, Everdeen, or the Quell.

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