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Matt and Lola, their passion spent, lie next to each other on the ground, their heads touching. Their semi-naked bodies glisten with sweat—their panting subsides as their heart rates slow back down to normal after their uninhibited sex.

Matt stretches his arm over his head and tugs Lola's ponytail. "Well, that was nice."

"Nice! You have not had better, yes?"

"Let me think on that."

"There is nothing to think about—you will also never have better. It is like you have tasted champagne for the first time."

Matt laughs. "You're Krug all the way, baby."

Lola reaches over and caresses Matt's cheek with the back of her hand. Her fingers stroke his face. She turns her hand over, then she grabs his nose and pinches it very hard.

Matt yells in pain. "OOWWWW—FUCK!"

He jumps up and looks down at Lola. She looks up at him, then giggles.

"Jesus! You're like my sister's cat. One minute I'm stroking it and it's purring away and the next minute it's clawing the fuck out of me. You're so, so, unpredictable!"

"That is good. It is not boring. American women are boring, yes?"

"Depends on the woman."

"No, you are wrong—it depends on the man," Lola says.

They stand up and dress. Matt rolls his uniform up over his torso, and he winces as the fabric brushes against several deep red gouges on his chest caused by Lola's fingernails.

Lola looks down at her claw marks. "And any man who makes me do that is worth keeping."

"Thanks, I—"

Matt is interrupted by two short honks coming from the American's Humvee in the distance.

"We go back—the boy has had enough time," Lola orders.


Sophia jumps down from the Humvee and walks over to the Americans. They all stand around a couple of ammunition boxes stacked on top of each other. Jedi's notebook is open and rests on top of the boxes.

"What's happening?" Cutter asks Sophia.

"They're coming," Sophia says.

Cutter laughs. "They sure did."

"Oh, grow up, Cutter."

Cutter shrugs. "Never." He turns and watches the two bikes race in.

Lola and Matt park up the KTMs, then walk over to the Americans.

"You rang," Matt says.

"Hope I didn't interrupt anything?" Sophia asks.

"It'll keep," Matt says.

"I'm sure it will!" Sophia snorts.

"You have news?" Lola asks.

"Jedi has something he wants to go over with us," Books cuts in to say. He gives a go-ahead nod to Jedi. "Floor's yours, kid."

"Thanks. So, I think I'm pretty certain I know where the next container is," Jedi says.

"Think! Well, that's not a good start," Lloyd says.

"Button it, Lloyd. How come, kid?" Cutter asks.

"Because the kids got a brain the size of a planet, that's how come," Matt says.

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