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The Russians walk out into no man's land. Botha covers them.

Matt and Jedi make their move too.

As Matt walks toward the Russians, he glances behind him and sees Sophia has her M16 trained on them. He turns to Jedi and mutters, "You'd better have those codes, kid?"

"What codes?"

"Are you shitting me?"

Jedi taps his pocket. "All under control, dude."

"Kid, there's annoying and then there's you!"

The two Americans and the two Russians come to a halt. Only five yards separates them. Face to face, they study each other.

Alexei and Mikhail place their cases on the ground.

Alexei sneers at Matt. "You have nice days, American?"

"It's have a nice day, and you say it at the end of the conversation—Russian," Matt says.

"In Russia, we say, do svidaniya. It means until we meet again."

Matt replies, "I should combine the two: have a nice day until we meet again."

Alexei laughs and turns to Mikhail. "You see Mikhail, the American jokes like a tough guy. Like, Dirty Harold—go ahead and make my nice day."

"Something like that." Matt doesn't laugh. "Kid, the notebook."

Jedi pulls out the notebook and hands it to Matt.

"Our codes." Matt holds out the notebook.

"Mikhail, the cases," Alexei orders.

Mikhail slides the cases forward, then reaches over and carefully takes the notebook from Matt.

Using his foot, Matt shunts the blue case toward Alexei, who mirrors Matt's move with the pink case. The two men do not break eye contact.

Jedi and Mikhail both begin to read off codes and enter them into the remotes. One by one, all collars beep as the remaining LEDs light up blue.

Alexei and Matt say nothing and stare at each other.

Alexei breaks the silence when he goads Matt: "The girl lives, just."

"No thanks to you, you piece of Russian cunt."

"She killed many Russians. I should kill her. She is lucky I did not—she means something to you?"

Matt grits his teeth. He thinks, I'd like to push my thumbs into your scum eyes and press them into your brain.

Alexei continues, "When I burned her white flesh, she smelt like—how you say in American—the roasting of the pork." He makes a sizzling sound. "Sizzzzzzzzzzzz."

Before Matt goes berserk with rage, Jedi calls out. "That's it, all done apart from the last case."

Alexei reaches down and picks up the blue case. His eyes are still locked on Matt. He thinks perhaps I have pushed the American too far.

Botha shouts over to Alexei. "Come, Alexei, we have what we want. Leave them."

"Well, goodbye, American." Alexei smiles. He still faces the Matt and Jedi. Cat–like, he retreats with the blue case. Mikhail follows him.

"Do svidaniya," Matt says. "If you touch the girl again, I'll kill you." He picks up the pink case and also retreats. Jedi follows him and, like the Russians, they inch backward.

The United Smiths of AmericaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang