Chapter 5

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        I look at Johnny. I knew that... Johnny isn't actually bad... He was just a guy who had gotten hurt and didn't want to get hurt again. He looks at me.
"Damn.... I'm sorry Johnny.... I didn't know...." He looked somewhat hopeful. "Its okay... you know I don't really open up to people because of it... instead of just talking about it o think I just bottled up my emotions.... you know?"
        "Yeah I know... I know how it feels... and know that your not alone Johnny. Okay?" He have me a half smile.This was the Johnny that I actually liked. "Okay." I hug him and he hugs me back.
          We stayed like that for awhile. Then he barely pulls away from the hug. "Enough about me. What about you. You seem like you have the perfect life." I sigh and roll my eyes. "No Johnny my life is far from perfect. My life.... um it was kinda similar to yours...." A tear falls from me face.
           "Hey. Danielle princess. Don't cry. Okay? It's all gonna be alright." He pulls me into another hug. I cry on his shoulder. "Its just hard ya know? Losing my dad was the worst thing that had ever happened to me and Nia." He looked confused. "Wait who's Nia?" "My twin sister." He looked shocked. "Wait so theres two of my princess." I kinda laugh. "Yeah." "That looks exactly like my princess?" I rolled my eyes. "Yes Johnny."
             He smirks at me. "I bet she isn't as beautiful as you." I raise one eyebrow. My phone goes off. I look at my phone and see a text from Nia. "Danielle where the hell are you?!" "With a friend why?" "ITS MOM WE NEED YOU SO GET YOUR ASS HERE NOW!" "Why what happened?" "No time to explain. Now GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" I rolled my eyes. "John I'm so sorry but I have to go."
             I get up and leave. I run to my house. Instead of the door opening like usual it was locked. "What the hell?!" I try my key but it wouldn't work. I have to kick down the door. I start kicking the door.
             I finally get the door broke down. There was blood everywhere. The house was a total wreck. "What the...." I keep walking around the house."MOM? NIA?" No one answers me. I walk in the kitchen and couldn't believe my eyes. "NO!!"

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