Chapter 7

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        "Ummm uhh yeah.." She looks at all of us confused. "Okay? Well I have to go bye Dani bye Mads bye baby I'll see yall later." She kisses Johnny and then leaves. I look at Johnny and I run off. I hear them both yelling my name and then Johnny runs after me. He catches up to me and turns me around to look at him.
           I had tears running down my face. "Danielle what is wrong?" "NOTHING JOHNNY JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE LIKE YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE IN THE FIRST PLACE!" I take off running again. This time he done nothing. He didn't even yell my name.
          I run up in my house. Nia and my mom still just laid there on the floor dead. I pull my phone out and call 911. I tell them my address and hang up. And when they came to take them away I broke down. I have no idea who could have done this to them. They left once they got them where they needed to be. And I go back inside and upstairs. I run up to my room and slam the door behind me.
        I break down crying again. I punch my wall and leave a hole in it. I basically destroy my whole room. Then once I got the energy out off me I fell on my bed and cried myself to sleep.
*********JOHNNYS P.O.V.*************
         I walked home surprised. I thought Abby was dead.... I kept thinking to myself. Why did Danielle yell at me. I didn't do anything wrong. I want to go and check on her but Maddie said she probably needs time alone. And I realize that she probably does. I seen her punch a wall and destroy her room.
         So maybe it is a good idea to give her some space. I go on my phone. I go on Instagram and see a post about Danielle and her family. And the person who had made the post was from Abby. The post had a picture of Danielle's mom and Nia. They was lying there dead.... With me, her, and Maddie around them. Before Danielle lost it. The post had a captain. 'This is what you get bitch for trying to take Johnny away from me..... So sad that you weren't there to watch....."
        I screenshot it before she could delete it. Then I run downstairs to Maddie. "MADDIE!!!" "What? What the world is wrong with you?!" "I know who killed Danielle's mom and Nia!" "Who?!" "Abby!" She gaps. We both run out of the house and to hers.
        We bang on the door hoping she would open up.
***********Danielle's P.O.V.************
        I wake up to someone banging on my door. I slowly get up and open the door. There stood Johnny and Maddie. I go to shut the door but Johnny caught it. "Not this time princess." We walk in and she death stares me. "What the fuck do you to want?!" "We know who killed your mom and Nia." My eyes shot to Maddie. "What. Did. You. Just. Say?!" She gulps and shoves Johnny in front of her.
        "Abby killed your mom and Nia.." My eyes shot to Johnny. "And how do you know this?!" I hand her my phone with the screenshot on it. I read it and went to look her up on Instagram. I  found her and the post. I start typing and I hand Johnny his phone after i was done. He hesitates but looks at what I had wrote. I said: You psychotic bitch 1. I didn't steal Johnny if you must know and 2. I never done anything to you so why would you kill them?! And if I did do something to you, you should have handled it a different way instead of putting innocent people into this so think next time you do something bitch! ~~~~From Danielle🖤
          Then there was a knock on the door. I go to open it and then Johnny starts walking to the door with me. I open the door and low and behold there was Abby.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2020 ⏰

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