Chapter 2

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He told her that he wanted to sleep with her and that he enjoyed it, but that four, five or even six times a night was just too much for him. At first Zoey was pretty pissed off about it, but eventually she understood him and limited herself to three times a night. When she got pregnant unexpectedly and despite using contraception, they both got married quickly. This was demanded by her parents. The whole pregnancy went without any problems, she and the baby were doing well. But on the day her daughter was born, it became a horror movie.

The contractions started late in the evening and Zhan drove Zoey to the hospital. He informed the parents of the two and Zoey's mother stayed with her in the delivery room. Actually, Zhan had wanted to take care of it, but her mother wanted to see the birth of her first grandchild. After a discussion, they agreed that her mother should stay and Zhan should wait outside. At 04:05 in the morning, Zhan heard his daughter's first cry through the door. He cursed because he could not be there to see his daughter. But one of the obstetricians came to him with his daughter and put her in his arms.

As soon as he saw her, he fell in love with her. Yes, he was only 18 years old and felt too young to become a father, but when he held this little creature in his arms and she looked at him, he loved her and never wanted to give her away again. Suddenly it became loud and hectic in the delivery room. Two doctors rushed into the room while Zhan was still holding little YueYue in his arms and panicked wondering what was happening inside. A quarter of an hour later, one of the doctors came to him and explained that there had been an unexpected bleeding that they could not stop. Zoey bled to death and died without once holding her daughter.

For Zhan, a world was collapsing at that moment. He had now become the father of this beautiful little girl, but had lost his wife. They had quickly cleaned the room and Zoey so that Zhan could say goodbye to her. With YueYue in his arms he entered the room and was completely overwhelmed by the situation. He sat beside the bed, stroked his wife's still warm hand and cried bitterly while little YueYue looked at him. Zoey looked as if she was sleeping, as if she was just resting after this exhausting birth.

Just a moment ago the contractions started and both were excited to go to the clinic and were happy to be together soon and finally be able to see and hold their baby in their arms and suddenly everything is different. The baby is there, but her mother is no more. They would never be in a threesome, they would never be able to drive home together with their baby and present the nursery, they would never celebrate their birthdays together. None of all their dreams and plans would ever come true. YueYue came and Zoey left.

This was all five years ago now and Zhan had handled it well, but every birthday of YueYue's, the pain hit him again. Every year he went with YueYue to her mother's grave and they celebrated her birthday afterwards. And the older his daughter gets, the more she understands. On her fifth birthday, Zhan almost broke his heart when YueYue cried at her mother's grave asking for forgiveness. "I'm sorry, Mom. Can you forgive me for killing you?" Asked this little girl who hadn't been guilty at all. But thought she was to blame.

At the thought of this day, Zhan threw out his plan to drink little. He and Chuyue went to Zhan's house and drank a few beers. When Zhan woke up later, it happened again. He and Chuyue had slept together again. They were both naked in bed, looking at each other with big eyes. At the same time, they said, "Not again." But then laughed and shook his head. This time, Zhan didn't have a bad conscience, because this time he remembered that the initiative had come from Chuyue. "Next time, ask me out first." Had said Zhan laughing and then went into the bathroom to shower.

While Chuyue showered, Zhan prepared a small breakfast. He hardly had anything left at home, as he would move into his boss' house today. Chuyue came into the kitchen and grinned when he saw Zhan trying to sit on the chair. "Don't laugh, my whole ass hurts. What have you done to me?" Asked Zhan with a slight smile. "I guess you'd call that a goodbye fuck." Chuyue replied laughing. "And that means you have to destroy my ass? I have a long car ride today." Said Zhan on it and laughed himself. "I'm sorry, but I might come back to the date thing when I come to visit you in Beijing." Chuyue explained with a grin and Zhan immediately hid his butt.

Since Zhan didn't have to bring anything to his new apartment except his clothes and food, everything fit in the trunk of his car and he didn't have to rent a van. Moreover, he had sorted out many of his clothes before and so it wasn't that much anymore. After he had visited his daughter again, he set off for Beijing in the late afternoon. He had received the keys to the apartment by mail a few days before and therefore did not have to bother his boss on the weekend. Within twenty minutes he had brought all his things upstairs and already started to put away his papers and clothes. When he had finished, he drove off again with the car to buy something to eat.

Today he had no more desire to cook and appetite for pizza. When he came back with the still hot pizza, he met Wang Lan, who had an important information for him, which he would have liked to have had before. "Xiao Zhan, I'm sorry. I guess I forgot to tell you,the C.E.O.Isn't me,it's my 22-year-old son. You're gonna work for him,and this is his house. I was so freaked out that day,I forgot all about it. And my son knows he's getting an assistant and you're living in the apartment under the roof, but he's not thrilled. Because he doesn't think he needs any help."

Zhan was not particularly taken with this information. He didn't care that his boss is two years younger than him, but he did care that he was unintentionally hired by and for the CEO. He could not imagine that this would be a pleasant work if the boss did not want him at all. And now he was living in his house. And Zhan didn't even know who his boss was and didn't want to upset him even before he started working. So he kept quiet to avoid attracting unpleasant attention.

On Monday morning, Zhan sat behind the wheel of the company car as requested by Wang Lan and waited for his new boss Wang Yibo. He left the house at seven o'clock sharp, Zhan got out and opened the door to the car for Wang Yibo, he reacted to the friendly good morning of Zhan with a cold stoic look. Zhan drove off and when they reached the Company's parking garage, Zhan got out, opened the door for his young boss. "We should talk once we get upstairs." he said to Zhan with a scowl. Zhan nodded and shivered.

After Zhan had received his employee card so that he could access all areas, he went to the office and took a first look at his desk. He didn't like the fact that his desk was right in his boss' office and he would be at the mercy of that cold and gloomy look all the time. Wang Yibo pointed to the chair in front of his desk and Zhan sat down and smiled. Something that everyone liked about him, his warm and hearty smile. But his boss obviously didn't like it, because his look became even darker.

"I'll say it very clearly. I do not want you here or in my house. But since my parents insist, I have no choice but to keep you. Which does not mean that I will entrust you with any work, who knows where you come from and what you do with the data. Besides, you'll bring your desk to the office during lunch break. I don't want you in here. And as for my house. You may live there in the apartment, but you are not allowed to enter the house or receive visitors. I never want to see you go through the house to get to the apartment. Do not contact me if you need anything. Because you can expect nothing from me." Explained Wang Yibo to him.

" Explained Wang Yibo to him

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