Chapter 8

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After a few minutes Zhan stopped the kiss. "I'm sorry, but this is just a little too fast for me. Don't be mad at me." He said and ran to his room. It wasn't as if the kiss wasn't fun for him and as if he didn't feel the desire for more, it had just gone too fast for him. One moment he was yelling at him and beating him up and the next moment he claimed that he had wanted something from him from the beginning. And why didn't he just ask Zhan about his ex? Instead, he was beating Zhan up for months over nothing. Damn it, he was mad at his boss and he couldn't forgive that so fast, no matter how good-looking his boss is and no matter how great he can kiss. He had to stand firm.

"I'll wait until you're ready, Zhan." Said Yibo at his room door. The next day, Zhan and Yibo took YueYue to the zoo. Zhan hadn't talked much to Yibo and mostly tried to avoid looking at him. Because whenever he looked at him, his cheeks blushed and his heart started racing. The typical symptoms of falling in love. How dare he fall in love with his boss? When if he got involved with him and it didn't work out? How would he be able to work with him then? And what about YueYue? Could he really dare to do something with his boss and let his daughter get involved?

Zhan couldn't get the thoughts and questions out of his head all day long and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop thinking about the kisses with Yibo. After the zoo, the three of them went to the movies and watched a cartoon that YueYue wanted to see. Zhan and Yibo sat next to each other and YueYue sat on Yibo's lap, she fell asleep in his arms. Nevertheless, they stayed seated until the end of the movie and Yibo didn't mind holding Zhan's hand the whole time. "How come you're so good with kids at only 23 years old?" Zhan wanted to know when they were in the car.

"I've always wanted a child, but with same-sex couples, it's a thing. And you were only 18 when you became a father, so age doesn't matter, as you can see. I don't really have much to do with children. I work all day and when I come home, there's not a kid waiting for me. On the weekends I sometimes see my two nephews. But that's about it. Your daughter is very sweet and easy to take care of, so it's no wonder she's easy to get along with." Explained Yibo. Zhan nodded. "Yes she is very sweet." He said to Yibo. After dropping the little one off at her grandparents' house and putting her to bed, they went back to Zhan's house.

"ZhanZhan. I know you don't believe what I said. If only because I acted like an idiot. But I've decided to prove to you that I'm serious and that I'm actually a nice guy. I want to convince you that I really want you by my side." He said to Zhan after they sat down at the kitchen table. "Oh um, OK." Said Zhan and didn't know what else to say. "When we get back, I'd like to ask you out on a real date." Had Yibo said to Zhan after he realized that Zhan would say nothing more.

To change the subject, Zhan asked if Yibo wanted to go to the house of horrors with him. "I was manager there for two years." Told him Zhan and Yibo nodded. "OK and when?" He wanted to know. Zhan smiled. "Right now!" he said and held his hand out to Yibo, which astonished even himself. Yibo willingly took Zhan's hand and together they set off for the House of Horrors. Zhan was greeted joyfully by everyone and Yibo got a little grumpy when he saw Chuyue there. Of course Zhan had not missed this and it was not his intention. So he took Yibo's hand so that everyone could see it and entered the house of horrors together with him.

"Sorry, I forgot that Chuyue is now the manager here. I didn't mean to upset you." Said Zhan when they entered the first room. Yibo embraced Zhan and gave him a kiss on the cheek "Thank you for telling me this and it is okay now." Yibo replied. They visited room after room and had fun together. It was the first time Zhan thought of nothing but the beautiful moment they had there. For the first time, Yibo also seemed to relinquish control and let Zhan take the lead. Suddenly there was no longer this CEO who had to control everything and everyone, but a young man who was just having fun.

"You should switch off more often and not try to control everything. Then you'll be much more relaxed and cheerful." Said Zhan when the two had left the house of horrors and were on their way back home to Zhan. "This is not easy for me. I grew up in an environment where it is normal to be in constant control of everything. And once I gave up control for someone and was just being myself, I was lied to and betrayed." Yibo replied. "Not everyone is like that and does that." Gave Zhan an answer. "Have you ever been betrayed by someone you love?" Yibo wanted to know. Zhan stopped, looked at Yibo and shook his head.

"I was only in a relationship with one person, and that was Zoey. I was 15 years old when we got together. We were neighbors and we saw each other every day. If there had been someone else, the neighbors would have known right away and spread the word everywhere. Here in this little town everyone knows everyone you know. And after she died, there was no one else. So no, I was never cheated on." Explained Zhan. Zhan took Yibo's hand and they moved on. "How do you know I'm afraid of the dark?" Asked Yibo, who first looked around and then looked at Zhan's hand. "I don't know. But I suspected. My sister always had the same round frightened look as you do when she was in the dark." Zhan replied.

They entered the house and just as Zhan was about to turn on the light, Yibo hugged him from behind. "Thanks for a lovely evening." He said and gave Zhan a little kiss on the back of his neck, which left a tingling sensation on Zhan's skin. Zhan smiled and took Yibo's hand. "Come with me, I want to show you something." He said and pulled Yibo behind him, up to the attic. It was total darkness there and Yibo held Zhan's hand very tight. "When I first came to your house, your lighting reminded me of something my father had made for my sister and me." He said and turned on the light. A sea of golden lights appeared and illuminated the attic.

"As children, my sister and I were often ill and so were not allowed to go outside to play very often. So my father remodeled the attic for us. He put up walls and put these lights on the ceiling. There are exactly 10.000 lights of different sizes and lengths. We dim them a little bit, then we lay down on the floor and watch them. It was like a fairy tale forest, and we made up lots of great stories and adventures." Told him Zhan and dimmed the light to show it to Yibo. They went into the middle of the room and Zhan asked Yibo to wait a moment.

When Zhan came back, he had his laptop and a thick blanket with him. He laid the blanket on the floor and sat on it, Yibo sat down next to him. Zhan looked for a certain video on the laptop and when he found it, he played it. "Close your eyes." Said Zhan and Yibo did it. "What do you feel?" He asked Yibo after about a minute. "Goose bumps, a tingling, relaxation." Specified Yibo. "Lie down and look up at the ceiling." Said Zhan and Yibo followed. Yibo opened his eyes and the lights over him seemed to dance. Zhan lay beside Yibo and smiled. "Magic, isn't it? I don't know how my father did it, but whenever my sister and I lay here listening to music, the lights would dance." Zhan said.

" Zhan said

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