Chapter 23

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After a restful sleep, Xiao Zhan woke up on Saturday morning wondering why Yibo had already gotten up. He went into the bathroom, took a hot shower and then dressed, which he had already put on the day before. Since Yibo's family wanted to come by, he put on his tight black jeans and a white shirt. After he had dried his hair and styled it a little bit, he took one last look in the mirror and then went downstairs to see if his daughter and her boyfriend were already on their feet.

Zhan opened the bedroom door and his eyes fell immediately on all the beautiful different flowers that were all over the hallway and up the stairs. He walked to the stairs and the flower path went on and on, step by step he went down and couldn't get out of his amazement. Because the lights on the ceiling in the house also shone like thousands of little stars, all the other lamps were off. Carefully, so as not to trample on any of the flowers, he walked down the steps to the bottom, where he followed the path they showed him to the living room.

He opened the door to the living room, following a candle-lit path, not knowing what was going on, he only stopped when he stood in front of Yibo. With a rose in his hand and dressed in a fine white suit, he stood before Zhan with tears in his eyes. "ZhanZhan, my darling, there you are at last." Said Yibo when Zhan stood before him. "What's going on here?" Asked Zhan shyly. Yibo's parents, his brother, as well as Zhan's daughter and her boyfriend also joined them and stood around them smiling.

"Xiao Zhan, from the first moment I saw your picture on your application, I knew you were special. Someone I was dying to meet. My heart beat so much faster every time I saw you or even thought of you. Unfortunately, it took me a long time to realize that someone was playing evil on us, so I lost valuable time that I could have had with you. But then finally we got together and I was dizzy with happiness.

Unfortunately, I lost you again only a few days later and it was the worst time of my life. Now finally 8 years later I have you back and my feelings for you have not changed. You are the one, the right one and I never want to lose you again. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and never spend another day without you. I wanna go to sleep next to you every night and wake up next to you every morning. ZhanZhan, you're the love of my life! I love you so incredibly, so incomprehensibly and with every cell of my body.

I know it is actually much too early for that. But still, will you marry me?" Had he said to Zhan in tears and asked him and Zhan himself could not hold back his tears. Overwhelmed but also carried away by these words, by this action and surprise, Zhan nodded shyly and found himself only a blink of an eye later in the arms of Yibo, who pressed him tightly to himself and cried with happiness. Zhan was aware that it was hasty and exaggeratedly fast to accept a marriage proposal after only a few days, but he also knew he would never give Yibo back.

YueYue, her friend and Yibo's family wept with them for joy, they congratulated both of them and hugged them. But the next surprise was already waiting. Yibo did not intend to take a long engagement. He wanted to marry Zhan and he wanted to marry him right now! Zhan stood there petrified, not knowing what to say or do. Of course, he could imagine marrying Yibo one day, when they had been together a little longer. Eventually he accepted the proposal, but marry immediately? That was just much too fast for him and he suddenly was completely unsure. Also because he always said he wanted to marry only once in his life. As he just remembered.

Zhan was just about to start saying that this was going too fast for him, when behind him, familiar voices could be heard. "ZhanZhan, my boy, have no fear." Said his mother. His sister, who was accompanied by her husband, took Zhan in her arms and kissed him on the cheek. "A Zhan, I have missed you so much." Said his older sister. "ZhanZhan, come with me for a second, I want to talk to you." Said his mother, took him by the hand and went outside the door with him. She pressed Zhan and stroked his back.

"I know you're scared, my boy, but you don't have to be. This man loves you honestly and with all his heart. You know, when you first moved to Korea, he came overseas looking for you. "That's when we met him, and I knew he was perfect for you." Said his mother as they walked towards a bench to sit down. "Actually, I always said I wanted to get married only once in my life." Said Zhan, and he realized he was just about to make an excuse. His mother stroked his hand and smiled.

"My son, if you don't marry this man, you're beyond help. Sure, you only wanted to marry once in your life, but be honest, your marriage did not come about because of your love for each other. It was because it was called into being when Zoey got pregnant. Even though you loved each other, marriage was not a choice out of love. But now you have the chance to marry out of love and choice, by the way. Yibo had waited 8 years to do this. And if you count the time you worked for him, it is 9 years. Don't you think you've stalled him long enough?" She asked him and before Zhan could say anything, she kept talking.

"Don't let your fears and your thoughts get in the way. No more ZhanZhan. Just be brave, marry the man you love and be happy at last." She said, squeezing Zhan. "It's time for you to take your second chance!" Mentioned she in conclusion and then asked Zhan what he wanted to do. "Do you love him? And can you imagine a future with him?" She wanted to know. "I love him, Mom, and yes, I can imagine being with him for the rest of my life." Zhan replied.

"Then go get him. He's been in love with you for 9 years and even the past 8 years couldn't change his feelings for you. And I know that you haven't either, and as a mother, I just feel it." She said, and Zhan nodded. "So?" She asked him. Zhan stood up and took his mother's hand. "Come mom, your son is getting married." He said and was suddenly in a hurry to get back into the house and tell Yibo his decision.

" He said and was suddenly in a hurry to get back into the house and tell Yibo his decision

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