Chapter 5

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"Um, sir, may I ask why you're accompanying me to my home?" Asked Zhan nervously. "Please call me Yibo. We are not at work, so you can call me Yibo. And to answer your question, I've been meaning to go away for the weekend anyway." Yibo replied. Zhan just took that as an answer. They didn't talk anymore on the ride and at some point Zhan even fell asleep. When they reached his home, Zhan thought Yibo would find a hotel, but that was not the case. He accompanied Zhan.

"Um, you can stay here tonight. My sister's room is free, like any other room, haha. But there is an unused mattress in her bed and some wrapped sheets that you are welcome to use." Explained Zhan. "Thanks. Where is your family?" Asked Yibo. Zhan found it strange to call his boss by his first name and even stranger he found it strange that his boss asked him questions. "Oh, um, my father died a few years ago and my mother is overseas with my sister and her husband. They take care of my mother." He explained.

Zhan showed Yibo his sister's room and where the bathroom was and then went downstairs to the kitchen to cook something to eat. Yibo also came to the kitchen after half an hour. "That smells good." He said to Zhan. "Oh OK. Sit down, I'll be done in a minute." Said Zhan and wanted to set the table, but Yibo did it for him. Zhan felt more and more strange with his suddenly so nice boss. They were just sitting at the table when the front door in the kitchen opened and a little girl with long dark brown hair and big eyes came rushing into the kitchen.

"Daddy, you're finally here." Little YueYue screamed excitedly and jumped into Zhan's arms. She sat on Zhan's lap and only then did she notice the visitor. She stood up, bowed and wished him a good evening. "Daddy, who is that?" She asked him. Before Zhan could answer, Yibo introduced himself. "I am Yibo, a friend of your father." He said, and Zhan looked at him with disbelief. He wondered, since when had the two of them been friends? Unconcerned and free from any fear, YueYue went up to the stranger man and offered him his hand. "I am YueYue, pleased to meet you." She said with a big grin.

"She really takes after her father." Said Yibo and was obviously surprised that he had said it out loud. And YueYue did her best to keep Yibo happy. She sat on his lap without being asked, showed him her new loose tooth. Told him about the preschool and her best friend, but she was currently angry with her because she didn't want to give her the one doll. Then she casually mentioned her birthday the next day and sang a song for Yibo that she had learned from her daddy. "That's what Daddy used to sing. But he doesn't sing that anymore. That's why I do this for him." Explained the little one.

She showed Yibo pictures in the house that Zhan had painted and the photo album with all her baby pictures. Pictures of her and her daddy and pictures of her mom. And finally she forced Yibo to play with her and her dolls. Zhan watched them and never thought that Yibo had another kind and caring side. When YueYue fell asleep, he asked Zhan where her room was. "Um, she has a children's room here, but she sleeps with her grandparents. I will take her over quickly, it is next door." Zhan said. But before he could pick his daughter up from the sofa, Yibo had her in his arms and carried her for Zhan.

Together they took the little one over to her grandparents, where Yibo put her in her bed and covered her up. "What time do you want to visit the grave tomorrow?" Asked Zhan's former mother-in-law "I think around 10:00. That fits the timetable perfectly." He told her and hugged her. "See you tomorrow." He had said goodbye and then went back to his house with Yibo. "You must be tired after YueYue kept you so busy." Said Zhan but Yibo shook his head. "Well, there's no TV here, how about we go play pool?" He asked Yibo. "Yes, sure." He replied.

They played three round billiards, drank a few beers and then headed back to Zhan's house. No sooner had they reached the house than Zhan went to take a shower and wanted to say goodbye for the night. He was already standing at his room door when Yibo grabbed him by the wrist. "Um, do you need anything else?" Asked Zhan nervously. "I wanted to apologize to you for the way I treated you. It wasn't even really your fault. It was someone else's. I'm really sorry about that." Said Yibo. Zhan was amazed at the words and thanked Yibo.

"You know, it's my ex's fault. He also works at the company and I see him every day. He had cheated on me and pretends it was nothing. Every morning when I come into the company he smiles at me silly and that really upsets me. Unfortunately, I can't just fire him without good reason. That's why I'm usually in a bad mood. But it has nothing to do with you, and I'm sorry I always take it out on you. But I promise it won't happen again. But you have to promise me something too." Yibo said. "And what?" Wanted to know Zhan, who could understand Yibo a bit.

"Could you smile at me again, please? I don't want to see that sad face again. I just don't like you smiling at everyone in the company." He said, confusing Zhan. He had the feeling that Yibo was trying to tell him something and it triggered something in him that he hadn't had for a long time. A feeling of warmth. "Can you promise me that Zhan?" Yibo asked him. Zhan nodded and before he knew what was happening, he found himself in a firm embrace from Yibo. "Thank you, ZhanZhan." He said, and Zhan felt his cheeks flush.

Yibo said goodbye and went to his room. Zhan also went to his room and felt strange. It wasn't because Yibo called him ZhanZhan, but the way he pronounced it. The next morning Zhan got up early, went to the bakery and got fresh rolls and the birthday cake for YueYue. He had prepared the breakfast table and when Yibo came into the kitchen and looked around, Zhan had seen him smile for the first time. "Good morning ZhanZhan." Said Yibo and hugged Zhan. They sat down at the table with Yibo choosing the seat next to Zhan and ate their breakfast in silence.

"What is your daughter's real name?" Yibo wanted to know when they went over to pick up YueYue. "Xiao Yue Fei." Zhan answered and knocked on the door. YueYue was wearing a new dress and grinning all over her face when she saw Yibo and he beamed with her. She took Yibo by the hand and pulled him behind her. "My grandma bought me a new dress especially for the visit with Mommy." She explained it to Yibo and only stopped when they reached their grandparents' car. "Uh, we're taking my car." Yibo said to her. "Yes, yes, but we need my car seat." She said, pointing through the glass.

When they arrived at the cemetery, YueYue rushed to her mother's grave. She pulled Yibo by the hand with her. "Hello, Mom, it's me. Did you miss me already? I miss you every day. Today we brought a visitor. His name is Yibo and I think he likes Daddy." She explained cheerfully as she took the old flowers from the grave. "YueYue, you shouldn't say things like that just like that." Zhan said. Yibo was powdery red in the face and Zhan was embarrassed "It's OK." Yibo said. "Ah Daddy, you told me to speak my mind honestly and I honestly say Yibo likes you." Said the little one, and Zhan covered her mouth. "Honey, you should be more concerned with the flowers than talking about stuff you don't know about." Explained Zhan lovingly to her.

Yibo looked at Zhan and shook his head. "Leave her." He said and smiled. That alone confused Zhan enough, but when Yibo took his hand and held it, Zhan didn't know what to say or what to think. But then again, he didn't pull his hand away either. They stayed at the grave for about an hour, because YueYue needed that long to bring her mother up to date. Then Zhan and Yibo each held one hand and went back to the car with her. "Come on, you are too slow, come on. You're not that old yet. Come on!" She urged them to.

 Come on!" She urged them to

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