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Pin's POV
I hate myself for leaving her. I should be at Brightfields with Zoe. Not travelling the world knowing the prettiest sight was back at home.
"Mate I'm so sorry"
That was Calumn. I didn't need him annoying me. What ever he had done it would deal with it later. My thoughts drifted back to Zoe, her frizzy hair behind her as she galloped on the beach, her lips soft and light and her eyes lighting up everytime she laughed.
"Pin...don't you know?"
"Know what!"
My voice was scornful the thoughts of Zoe pressed into my head like the rose pressed in her book I gave her on Valentine's.
"It's Zoe she..."
" Well Marcus and Alex called and said.."
I stared him down, if something happened to Zoe I'd kill Marcus. I gave him one job when I left,that was to protect her.
"Calumn spit it out!"
"Zoe ...she got..got a ..a boyfriend"
My knees gave out beneath me. I knew It was hard for us to communicate and sure we'd both missed phone calls from each other. But leaving me for someone else? What was going on?
"It's bad mate, Zoe apparently came to the stables with bruises and cuts and when Alex asked what happened she said Raven threw her. She's been in the hospital four times In the past week."
I put my head in my hands. What had this person done to Zoe? I got up.
"Mate you should sit down you've had a bit of a shock"
"Shut up.. Quickly call the airline we're going home right now!"
Calumn nodded and ran out of the room. The shock it me properly now and I collapsed on the hotel couch. I knew what I had do to.

Gaby POV
I woke up to my phone ringing. I looked at the bedside table between me and Zoe's bed. Thankfully she stayed asleep. She needed to rest after what happened. It was 1:30, who would be calling me? The user caller read Pin. I answered quickly, tears welled up in my eyes.
"Pin!" I sobbed
"Gaby! What happen is she ok? I heading to the airport now"
"Pin it's awful this time!"
"This time? It's happened before?!"
"Yeah she's broken her rib and her face looks awful, oh Pin cone quick"
"Who is this guy?" His voice broke as he tried to get the rest of his sentence out.
"And..and..why is she dating him?"
"Pin Sweetie, I'm so sorry, he as some sort dirt on her, when he walked through the stables she actually fainted."
"Gaby pick me up at the fairy at 6"
"Bye". But the line had already gone dead. I got dressed and had my breakfast quietly not waking Zoe.

I was waiting in the pickup area moving ever so slightly so the police officer would suspect that the person i was waiting for was here since the limit of time you could spend in pick of at the ferry was 2 mind. I saw him emerge from the boats doors. Pin's face was thin and the circles around his face didn't help the look. Calumn followed him meekly.
" Where is she?"
"Home,  quick hurry up Jackson picks her up at 7"


I woke up at 5. Gaby was nowhere to be seen. So I assumed she was already at Brightfields. I got up made my way over to the mirror. My feet softly padding my wooden floor. I looked in the mirror. The gash on my face could look better, but my bruises had faded a bit. I lift my arms above my head and tightly began bandaging my stomach. When I was done I sat on the edge of my bed. Pictures of me and Pin were stuck everywhere. Jackson had never been in my room so he couldn't tell me to take them down. I took one of the walls it was just of Pin his face happy and smiling. A teardrop fell on the picture. I wiped them away. God I missed him so much. I heard the door unlock. Oh no he's here. I remained on the edge of my bed. I really should go down to Jackson, I didn't want to? it hurt to much. I broke down and I could hear footsteps advancing. I continued to cry.
I tuned around slowly as to not hurt my rib. When I saw him I broke.
"Ohh Zoe,what has he done to you?"
Pin wrapped me up in his arms holding me as I shook. I pulled myself out of his embrace, the look of hurt and confusion was on his face. I continued to cry.

Pin and Zoe: What happens afterwards ?Where stories live. Discover now