Why was he here? Pin's not supposed to be back for another 3 months, why was he here?
I was hyperventilating. Pin pulled me into a hug. I tried to pull away. He pulled me into him harder. It was unbelievable how he could calm me. I tried one more time to pull feebly away. Pin made patterns on my shoulder as my breathing evened out.
"I'm so sorry,so so sorry honey, that this happened to you.."
"Pin.." I said pulling back. I wasn't looking at him. I was looking at my hands, fiddling with them as I braced myself for what would come next.
"You- You need to leave quickly go home, don't come to Brightfields until I can protect you, Pin go home"
His hands cupped my face, tilting it slightly so all I could do was look into his gorgeous green eyes full hurt, anger and love for me.
"I wouldn't leave if they'd pay me ".  Pin kissed my forehead and I put my head in the crook of his neck and shoulder.
"What has he done to you?"
I pulled back. He was staring at me with such intent and love. I took of my jumper, pulled up my shirt and unwrapped the bandage, tears streamed down Pin and my face. My stomach black and blue, a rib bone sticking out awkwardly. All up my arms cuts and gashes traveled up to my face where the bruises from previous encounters with Jackson showed no signs of letting me forget them. Pin stood up. I could feel the anger pour of him. I pulled him back down on my bed.
"Let me protect you"
And I launched into the story.

"Jackson is from LA. We used to date before I broke up with him when he cheated on me. Jackson was a big fighter and anyone I dated after him was immediately beat up. I had messed up big time in LA when I mixed up with Jackson's crowd, I skipped class went to parties and vandalised a lot things. When I had had enough of it and broke up with Jackson he threatened to spill if I didn't get back together with him. I jumped at the opportunity to come here. But now Jackson was here and if I didn't get back together with him he would have told everyone and - and he would have beat up you." I finished the story tears welled in Pin's eyes and mine. He held me. The doorbell rung and Gaby burst into the room.
"He's here"
Pin looked at me I knew what he was going to do.
"Please Pin"
"This has to stop"
"Pin- I love you more than you know..."
"Not possible" He grinned and left me there and for the first time I felt a smile play on my lips.

Pin and Zoe: What happens afterwards ?Where stories live. Discover now