Thank you all for the support l, your bitch is back so let's stop talking and get to the part your all here for.

Pin's POV
I watch Zoe's precious sleeping face in the back of the van. This shouldn't have happened to her..I I should have been there for her. I throw a punch at the metal walls, my knuckles hurt and the ringing in it ears hurts like a bitch but that sure did feel good.
"Hey clip clop! What that wall ever do to you, shut the FUCK up"
I roll my eyes.
"Great insult, dick wad"
The car skids as the THING turns around.
"Don't you ever call me a dick"
"Why cause you don't have one?" I retort.
I smirk at the hurt in his eyes and continue gazing out the back wind screen in this guys shitty Toyota. I see we're heading closer and closer to the far beach on the Isle of Wright. As I am about to ask the dick face where we are, Zoe stirs.
"Hey baby" I say.
Zoe immediately tries to stir up but I push her down again.
"It's alright Babe you staying lieing down"
"But I-"
I push her down again. And put my hand of her mouth as I shake my head.
She gets the memo and lies back down again.
Suddenly the car comes to a halt, I hear the weeks try to grip to the sand. Does this guy know how to drive I wonder.
Jackson pulls open the trunk.
"Oh Baba, your awake"
"Call me that again and I'll cut if your dick" Zoe says
"Not much to cut off Zo" I reply smirking.
Jackson lunges at me but I kick him im the stomach first knockinghis ass to the ground. Zoe is the first to act. Grabbing a whip from the trunk she gets on top of him.
"Say what you know asshole or I'll beat you to a pulp!"
"Please baba, i- ...I love you....Y-you love me.." I cut him off.
"There's is no happy family, WITH a great big kick and a slap from me to you, say anything to her and I'll bleed you dry." I sing
"Nice singing there, Barney" Zoe says.
"Why thank you, Baby bop"
"Now don't make me repeat myself who do you work for?" Zoe says looking down at her live of trash Ex.
"That would be me"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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