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The overall flow is from Preparation to actual Survival.

In Preparation, the flow is from the Area Study through more specific information about the five elements of survival to the places for which to plan, the places to plan for, and then Grab-n-Go bags which transitions us into actual Survival information.

Under Survival we cover the first five things to do in an emergency to the key phrase to keep in mind in an emergency, SURVIVAL, to first aid, water and food procurement, shelter and fire, and then specific environmental factors and specific emergencies and threats. We end with navigation and tracking, then the worst case scenario which is bugging out and the hide site.

This book is organized to get you ready for the most common, a mild emergency. Then for moderate. And then extreme. Each layer builds on the other. The key is that you get started and have your base in place.


There are numerous tasks/checklists throughout this book. They are marked by the Special Forces patch. Here's a guide to how they are laid out and how to use them:

They are numbered and repeated in Appendix A. Most are labeled either Mild, Mod/Ex (Moderate/Extreme) or Moderate or Extreme so you can focus on the level you want to accomplish.

Where you see the Ranger tab these are interesting tidbits.

An important aspect we also focus on is the days after an emergency. Since you have water in place now, the most important commodity, you're already ahead of the preparation curve! Think about when you watch the news in the aftermath of any emergency or natural disaster. The first thing being brought in is water.

You've already got your supply.

After all, when word of a pending emergency is announced (and often they come unannounced!), we see unprepared people panicking. There are mobs in stores fighting over a bottle of water and bare shelves. You don't want to be caught up in that. You want to spend your time preparing inside your home, with the supplies needed already on hand.

I link to apps, web sites and equipment throughout the book. If you are reading the print version, you can use a QR reader to access those sites via the QR codes, which are also compiled at the end of the book in Appendix A. A free QR code reader for your phone is available at

Also, I have a page with all the checklists and links for either printing out or clicking on at

All Checklists and Links

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