I don't want to escape the night...

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Me: this one is in the Escape the Night fandom! Oh, and this is in season 2!

Joey's POV

"none of you are getting out of this place alive!!" All of a sudden a spider girl came out of nowhere and grabs me! "AHH GUYS HELP!!!" She pulls me back and I pass out.. I next thing I know I am on a large bed and I am covered in webs only my head peaks out. I start to panic that spider girl will eat me!!! I try soo hard to get out but I can't! suddenly I spider boy comes in "Hi I'm Daniel! What's your name?" I look at him and how hot he is "I-I'm Joey! Nice to meet you!" "Umm could you let me out?" He looked at me sadly "I'm sorry but, I can't do that my boss would kill me if I did..." I just looked at him "Is your boss that spider lady?" I asked "yeah she is and she is keeping me here.. I have never seen the outside before.." I stayed there shocked  wow he had never been outside. This boy was in need of someone to save him.. "Anyway this will sound weird but, I kind of need to fuck you.." I gave him a look that asked him to tell me more "You see us spider people feed off of cum.. so I kind of need to make you cum in order to keep living " oh wow I kind of feel like I need to.. I mean he is pretty hot just then I had an idea.. "yeah you can do it and if you like it maybe we could be boyfriends?" He just stared at me "Boyfriends?? What does that mean?" "You don't know? It means I will take you back to my house and love you and you will be free and you can feed on me whenever you want!!" I said with a smirk on my face "Th- That sounds amazing!!" he said walking over to me. he looked deeply into my eyes and I looked into his they were very pretty "alright now.. how do I turn you on?" He said in a sexy voice as he got on top of me. That alone was making me get a boner "Oh wow, that was easy!" I blushed. He started to rip the web off and took my shirt off. at the same time he stuck one of his spider legs down my pants which made me shiver OMG DANIEL!!" I screamed it felt soo GOOD!!

A/N: I'm not good at writing smut so we are going to skip that...

Joey's POV 

We were just waiting for someone ANYONE to find us after Daniel fed off me... "Where the heck is everyone??" I say as Daniel is trying to clean himself off "Yeah didn't you say there was like 10 of them??" "I think so.." wow I guess none of them really cared about me "well clearly you don't need them in your life.. You only need people who care about you and I guess right now that person is me!!" He then gave me kisses all over my face I was laughing so much,, Maybe I don't want to escape...

Janiel OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now