It's Go Time!

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Joey's POV 

So, the doctors found out I'm having 2 babies! and Daniel and I named them Ash and Rowan like in my book! Now Me and Daniel and our friends Annabelle and Crystal are here. They are like a mini Janiel so we wanted to have them here for when I give birth "So how has everything been?" Annabelle asks "It's been good!" Just as Daniel says that I feel the couch get very wet and I  freak out "OMG OMG DANNY!!" I scream nearly falling over "Joey! What's wr-" He then looks down and sees Annabelle and Crystal see it too "Oh my god!!" Annabelle says jumping up to hug me "Daniel! Go get the hospital bag! Me and Annabelle will help Joey to the car!" Daniel runs upstairs and Annabelle and Crystal helped me to the car and then they got in the back seat and Daniel comes running outside and gets in the car and starts driving like a mad man!

Daniel's POV 

We are at the hospital and all ready for Joey to have his C-section and I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad! I start freaking out and Crystal comes over and tries to calm me down while Joey gets put to sleep the doctor comes in and says "alright Daniel are you ready to meet your little babies?" I see the first one come out and oh my god.. She's so perfect! the doctor cuts her cord and hands her to me and I start crying. I hold her close and kiss her forehead  

Joey's POV 

I slowly open my eyes.. I still can't feel anything but as I turn to look at Daniel I see my first baby "OMG!!" I cry. How did I make this? She's so pretty! Then I look over and see Ash being handed to me I take him and just cuddle him. The doctor sows me back up and I just look at our babies "I'm soo proud of you baby.." Daniel says giving me a kiss on the cheek "You did amazing Joey!" Annabelle said smiling "Thank you.." "We are gonna go home now and sleep! let us know if you need anything ok?" Crystal says smiling "Goodnight sissy's!" Daniel says as they leave "I love you so much!" I say when they leave "I love you more angel.. I'm so proud of you! We made 2 perfect babies and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2020 ⏰

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