Pretty hands

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The photo above has a perfect example of where your hands are supposed to be during a toss.

*Clears throat* PrEtTy HaNdS!!!

I had alot of issues with this in the beginning, in fact I'm still haunted by the videos of me as a rookie jazz running, basically jogging to my spot on the field with my hands in fist swinging back forth. Something so little shouldn't bother me right? Well it does. severely!

I'm better now, don't worry.

Breath in breath out.

Pretty hands is a very important thing my opinion, in colorguard it's not just how your flag looks, it's how your over all body looks like under the flag which includes your hands.

Whenever one of your hands are not on the flag you can do things with them that can enhance the overall beauty of the move in the routine, they are called free hands and if your free hands aren't pretty then you pretty much ruin the overall beauty of the move. If you don't do pretty hands at all you look really lazy and also really awkard so I recommend doing them.

As a veteran I've seen beginners try to have pretty hands but their fingers are in a rather awkard position and I totally understand that I'm just happy they are trying so I usually try to show them and demonstrate what pretty hands look like and with practice everyone gets them.

Whenever jazz running across the field my color guard is expected to jazz run with pretty hands. So remember don't be like me when I was new, alway run with pretty hands.

Now on to free hands with flag tosses... during competitions I've observed many colorguards who throw flags up into the most perfect tosses, I see nothing wrong with them. Nothing. and then I look at their hands... and I'm disappointed.

During a toss your hands need to stay in one position then move quickly for the flag to land in them, example: during a 45 toss one of your hands stays behind your head while the other is fully extended towards the sky and they stay there until the very last second until you have to catch your flag in the landing position. Do not move them while the flag is up in the air keep them in that position until the catch. You might not do it intentionally but be aware whenever a flag leaves your hands do not have them in weird places or the flag is harder to catch and it looks weird.

Sorry if that made no sense it's a hard subject to explain, atleast for me.

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