Sticky Notes (stagedorks)

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(warning: this one gets angsty)

       Christine got home from a long day at college. She was still sad from Jeremy's funeral that was 3 weeks ago. She missed him a lot. He helped her with homework and memorizing lines for whatever show she was in at the time. She was starting to fail classes and cancel auditions because of losing him. She couldn't keep herself together to do those things. Every night she'd cry while wearing his blue cardigan he wore everyday in high school.

       Jeremy has been watching over Christine every since he died. He hated to see her that way but as a ghost he had nothing better to do. He needed to figure out a way to tell Christine that he's still by her side. He waited for her to fall asleep to try something. He couldn't stand to see her like this. He didn't want his death to destroy her and everything amazing she does. His idea was to take some sticky notes and write simple and nice messages to her to see if she recognizes his handwriting.

       Thankfully it was Saturday and Christine didn't have anything to do. She really wanted to stay in bed and sleep the day away but she knew she'd regret that later so she got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. She found a small sticky note on her door that said, "You're amazing, you can do this!" She couldn't quite figure out who wrote it but the handwriting was one she'd seen many times before. Jeremy watched her look at it but was not happy with the reaction so he hoped she would figure it out at some point.

       Christine stumbled into the kitchen and found two more sticky notes. This is where she got more confused. One said, "I love you" and another said "Good luck on finals." Christine was starting to get scared. She was starting to think someone broke into her house. Jeremy was mad at himself. He knew he should've just been straight forward about it. Luckily, Christine had left her house. This gave Jeremy the time to write more. 

       Christine walked back into her house after a long walk and immediately went to the bathroom to clean her face and complete other basic means of hygiene. She found a pastel pink sticky note that read, "Hello, you won't believe this little note at all but you should. This is Jeremy. Remember my handwriting? I'm still here with you. I miss you a lot." Christine smiled and tears started to fall. Even if it was fake it still made her feel better. She ran into the kitchen and grabbed a sticky note and a pen to write her own note.

       "Hi Jeremy, I miss you too <3." It said. 

Prompt: Jeremy is a ghost who falls in love with Christine, but Christine can't see them. Does Jeremy do anything to make Christine notice them? (Yes the story is a little different than this bUT THE STORY IS STILL CUTE OK?)

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