The Snack (richjake)

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       Jake couldn't sleep and he was hungry. He slowly got up and stepped over Rich, who was sleeping in a sleeping bag on the living room floor, carefully. He finally made it to the kitchen and started to look for something to eat. Jake wasn't just up for any snack, he needed the snack. He started to look through Rich's fridge to see if he could find anything worth eating at 2 am. Then he found it. He found that one thing he needed at this ungodly rolls.

       Jake eagerly pulled them out and place 12 on a plate. He looked back to see if he had woken Rich up. Rich was fast asleep. He placed the plate in the microwave and started the 2 minute timer. Jake knew these were going to be the longest 2 minutes in his life so he needed to do something in those two minutes. He walked to the other side of the room where the fridge was and started to look it to find something to drink. He finally just grabbed a bottle of water because nothing else sounded good to him. He then heard a sound he dreaded hearing this late at night. The microwave started to beep and beep and beep. It rang through his ears.

       Jake ran over to the microwave to stop the beeping. "Jake? What are you doing?" He heard a familiar voice mumble behind him. His heart started to beat a little faster. He turned around with the plate full of pizza rolls and presented them to Rich. Rich's eyes opened up a little more. "Pizza rolls!" He softly said. They walked over to the table tomorrow and started to enjoy the pizza rolls together. 

Prompt: Jake getting up in the middle of the night to make a snack and accidentally waking up Rich because he didn't stop the microwaves obnoxious beeping in time.

(I just want to note that I had to look up pizza roll microwave instructions to make this accurate and I didn't even realize it said "Do not leave microwave unattended while cooking product." and I think it just makes this ten times better.)

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